France’s Annual Summer Memo to America

Vacation season is here. Why are you still working?

Dave Smurthwaite


Thanks to Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash for the photo

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To: Our Industrious American Colleagues

From: Your Lazy French Counterparts

Re: Summer Holidays

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In recent decades, we French have been the target of many a joke told around your American watercoolers.

We’re always on strike.

We’re never at work.

It takes at least three of us to change a lightbulb.

Believe us, we’ve heard it all.

However, with the summer vacation season officially here, we’d like to remind our American counterparts of two important policies.

1. Don’t plan to find us at work (as per usual)

If you’re having a hard time reaching us in the office, this graph might help you understand why:



Dave Smurthwaite

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