Behind the Scenes: Creating a New Phoenix LiveView Application

Velina Petrova
Mindvalley Technology
5 min readFeb 26, 2021


Photo by Fran Jacquier on Unsplash

Thanks to modern web development frameworks, creating new applications has become an easy and straightforward process.

Developers run a couple of commands to generate the new project, finetune the necessary configurations, start the server, and that’s it. They have a barebone skeleton application that is up and running on the local server.

The Phoenix framework is no exception to that rule. The task — mix is responsible for creating a new Phoenix project.

If you check out the official docs, you will notice that the task supports many optional parameters. Depending on which parameters you add, you will get a different baseline project.

One interesting option is --live. It signals the generator to bootstraps Phoenix.LiveView to the project codebase. In other words, you get a brand new LiveView application out of the box and can start building interactive, real-time features on top of it.

In today’s article, I want to take a look behind the scenes and explore the code generated by mix <app_name> --live.

I believe this in-depth look will help the readers solidify their understanding of LiveView and how it fits together with the rest of the Phoenix framework.



Velina Petrova
Mindvalley Technology

Engineering Manager by Day | Financial Freedom Explorer by Night | Joy Seeker Always