How to Build Elixir Blog App With Phoenix in Less Than 15min

Velina Petrova
Mindvalley Technology
7 min readAug 15, 2020


Okay, let’s get real for a second. No-one can actually build a production-ready blog application from scratch in less than 15 minutes. That’s not how the world works. However, creating a working prototype — that’s totally possible.

So here is the plan — we are gonna spend the next 15min or so building a prototype of a blog application that meets the following criteria:

  • User can create, update, display and delete posts
  • User can add comments to a post
  • User can see all the comments for a particular post
  • User can see how many comments does each post have

A small side note — this blog post is inspired by an article I read a couple of days back — “Elixir Blog in 15 Minutes Using Phoenix Framework — Step By Step Tutorial” written by Jakub Cieślar. Since the article was published way back in 2015, I felt it will be nice to get an updated version that properly reflects the current state of Elixir and Phoenix.

STEP 0: Prerequisites

The Phoenix Framework has a fantastic set of installation docs. I suggest you follow these and you’ll be set up and ready to go in no time.

Another small side note — if you are planning to explore and work with different versions of Elixir in the future, you might want to install Elixir (and Erlang) via asdf.

STEP 1: Create the blog…



Velina Petrova
Mindvalley Technology

Engineering Manager by Day | Financial Freedom Explorer by Night | Joy Seeker Always