The FUD — The Bull Season

The Knowledge by Mine Digital
3 min readJul 16, 2020

Old scams, moon mission, alt pumps, defi hype

Twitter Hacked

Apparently an internal team tool was compromised giving the hackers access to many accounts including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elon Musk and Apple.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wrote, “Tough day for us at Twitter. We all feel terrible this happened. We’re diagnosing and will share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened.”

OneCoin Down

Like actually.

OneCoin was a Ponzi, it targetted many people and so many lost everything, about 140 people in Argentina were scammed by them by the end of 2019, with some of them having lost up to $400,000, the report notes.

Thing is that region is home to some of the worlds most dangerous criminals, the cartels. Surely they did not like that and as such two promoters of OneCoin, have been found dead in Mazatlan, Mexico.

The terrifying news was first reported by major Latin American publication, La Tercera, on Saturday. According to the report, the bodies of Brito and Ibarra were found stuffed into suitcases and dumped in a vacant lot. According to examinations, the two men were apparently killed by suffocation.

Careful who you scam people.

DogeCoin Making Headlines Again

CEO of Okex cam out with an interesting statement “Dogecoin can achieve instant transfer for micropayments in a way that not many major cryptocurrencies can”

He’s right, the reason for this is due to the strength of the community and how decentralized it truly is. This is a beautiful thing. I always rant on doge but seriously, no funding, no tech team, no marketing, and yet it is doing better than all those ICO’s that raised tens of millions.

This is not the startup world this is crypto, this is a new industry, we need to stop applying old frameworks to our space.

The Trade

In terms of Bitcoin we are rangebound, the reality is we are stuck here, most traders are trapped as you notice from the random wicks, people getting stopped or exiting underwater positions.

The longer we stay in range the more explosive the break will be, now the question is which way does it go? Well no one knows, as such, it is a NO TRADE ZONE.

Instead of trading bitcoin focus on trading alts now, as bitcoin goes sideways, alts gain traction, this week we have had many great examples, but what truly deserves a standing ovation is LINK. That thing is just a beast. It has strong fundamentals and a community stronger than any, I would highly recommend buying any dip, at least that is what I am doing.

Other coins that have made me happy and will continue to; BAND, REN, RSR, KAVA. These belong in anyone's moon bag. XTZ though is the trade that you should be watching now, I am convinced it will follow link, as they always have seeing XTZ at $4 in the next week doesn't seem farfetched.

Hope you all enjoyed this don’t forget to follow me TheBitcoinaire and MineDigital on twitter and medium to stay updated on The FUD and Whisky & Wicks. Don’t be a sheep and pay a premium, use Mine Digital for the best rates in Australia guaranteed. Mine Digital also has insured custody so don’t worry about your funds.

Please note this is not intended as financial advice. Always do your own research. The writer holds (and is biased towards) Bitcoin. The writer’s thoughts are his own and do not reflect those of Mine Digital.

