Another Footstep of MineBee

MineBee Official
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2019

Dear all MineBee Supporters! I would like to be thankful for your entire advocacy. MineBee was listed on Bitsonic on July 23. And today, we are glad to announce that MineBee (MB) will be officially listed on Probit Exchange. You can trade MB since August 14, 2019 (Wed) 12 p.m. (UTC+9). Detail features are at below.

Deposit Address Open: August 13, 2019 (Tue) 2 p.m. (UTC+9)
Trading Open: August 14, 2019 (Wed) 12 p.m. (UTC+9)

We were able to successfully proceed additional listing of MB. However, this will not be the last. In order to repay your supports, listing procedures are underway with more than 3 exchanges. Furthermore, we will continuously do our best to construct a developing MineBee ecosystem, widely using in various markets and more than 10 exchanges this year.

Thank you.
“Let Mining BEE Fully MINE!”

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MineBee Official

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