Announcement: Launch of Instabuy, referral and cashback programs

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
4 min readJul 27, 2018

Today is the 27th of July and our dear community has probably noticed the changes in our communication and work processes. We keep getting better at meeting our deadlines! In the life of a startup, deadlines should not be immovable constraints if they endanger the quality of a product. However, by continuously delivering on our promises (or at least doing our best), we intend to further develop the relationship of trust between Minexcoin and our beloved users. Indeed, your strong and infallible support is the wind beneath our wings that entices us to do better, to be better.

Therefore, without further delays, we are proud to announce the launch of the 3 promised MinexPay complementary features.

Launch of Instabuy

Screenshot of Minexcoin’s Instabuy page

Proof of accessibility

It may sometimes be a hassle to buy a coin, especially if it is not yet available on major exchanges.
Regarding MinexPay, customers that are not from the community may be reluctant to undergo such a procedure. Therefore, why not make it simple, fast and accessible to get some Minexcoins?

Meet Instabuy!

A fast and easy to use feature that will allow our users to get MNX without any hassles. In less than 3 clicks and 30 min after final confirmation, you will be able to get Minexcoins. Convenient you say? we agree!

Instabuy users just have to send their BTC (or BCH) to the designated address and receive the associated MNX (The supply of MNX will come from Minexcoin’s own funds). Once the transaction is verified and validated, the same amount of MNX will be bought from exchanges and taken out of the market. We endure the hassle, you experience the pleasure!

As you may see at the top of the screen, you have the “How it works” section that will provide further explanations. However, rest assured that we made it simple and intuitive for your comfort. Should you still have any question, our efficient and always available customer support will be thrilled to answer them!

Note: Please check the crypto addresses you enter (BTC, BCH or MNX) so that you make no mistake prior to final confirmation. Always ensure that no fund is lost by sending it to the wrong address!

Note 2: Transactions will be operated manually at first, in order to make sure everything is working accordingly. Also, transaction size is limited to the maximum of 1 BTC worth of cryptos per transaction.

You will find here the link to Instabuy.

Launch of the referral program

Screenshot of the referral page

Be Paid to spread the word!

Word of mouth has always been a powerful tool to spread information. Being able to generate a viral effect is paramount for mass adoption. What would you say if we told you that you will get paid for doing so? That’s right, we have build a referral program that allows you to earn 5$ paid in Minexcoin for every card order that occurred after following your link.

As you see the interface, clean and easy is what comes to mind. You will be able to track the progress of your referrals and earn MNX consistently.
This referral program combined with the 20% cashback for every customer is a powerful incentive on both sides (referral maker and buyer) and will undoubtedly improve the spreading efficiency of MinexPay.

Influencer affiliates

Minexcoin has been approached by a number of YouTubers, bloggers and affiliate marketers regarding MinexPay. They will be able to leverage their sizeable audience and ability to generate engagement with the use of the referral program. We welcome any influencers that would be interested in this endeavor.

Launch of the cashback program

Screenshot of the personal cabinet on

Many of our users have experienced for a long time now the joy of parking their coins in Minexbank. This has allowed them to generate a stable return and benefit from incredibly competitive interest rates. This has without the shadow of a doubt been the cornerstone of Minexcoin’s reputation. The current monthly rate is about 5,83% and the equivalent in quarterly rate is about 8,5% per month.

Buying the card now generates returns!

How about we tell you that buying your pre-ordered MinexPay card will generate more revenue than parking your coins in the Minexbank? Would you like that idea? We are proud to present you the cashback program, designed to incentivize our community to order their card early!

For the next 20 days, our community will enjoy a 20% cashback (paid in Minexcoin upon card activation) when ordering their card. After the 17th of August, the cashback will be reduced significantly. Therefore, hurry up and finalize the order of your card!

Note: It goes without saying that all MinexPay customers who already bought their card will benefit from the cashback program as well. Please check your control panel on MinexPay, you will see the bonus MNX amount displayed there.

The 3 products will be available in the coming hour. Enjoy their functionalities and on behalf of the entire Minexcoin team, we wish you a delightful weekend!



Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog

The official Medium account of Minexcoin and MinexPay. Your piece of mind in the banking on a blockchain.