Announcement: Launch of Minexcoin Web Wallet Beta-release

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
3 min readJul 17, 2018


We promise, we deliver!

It is with great pleasure that we come forward today and announce the launch of the Web Wallet beta release! Indeed, while focusing our efforts on deploying MinexPay, the web wallet was under development by our very capable team of developers. The recent cycle of news and continuous advancements were made possible thanks to their tremendous efforts and hard work with the sole purpose of fulfilling our promise: Launching the web wallet (beta release).

Expanding the Minexcoin ecosystem

In our endeavor of rendering Minexcoin as convenient and user-friendly as possible for the purpose of mass adoption, a web wallet is an important step towards achieving that aim.

For those who might not be familiar with web wallets, it is a client that allows you to store coins and make transactions without downloading the entire blockchain on your computer.

Using a web wallet presents a number of advantages that ranges from managing your funds directly from your web-browser (faster and more convenient) but also not having to worry about accidentally deleting your wallet.dat file (reinstall, loss of hard drive) that would equate to a loss of funds. While these are important features, we need to make sure our web wallet is designed specifically with the needs of our dear community in mind. How about we work together?

Public beta testing

Our team genuinely wants to make the Minex web wallet a visual beauty, an intuitive and user “very” friendly product so that you see it as a necessity for your everyday life.

To achieve that purpose, the Minex Web Wallet will undergo a beta testing period. Thanks to your participation, we are confident we can pinpoint the bugs that might affect smoothness of use but also receive sharp comments and feedbacks from you.

Minex Web Wallet beta version screens,

How do you feel about participating in the development of a product, influence the outcome and shape it to best suit your needs?

Technical information

The beta testing of the wallet will be held on the Minexcoin testnet, a test blockchain with some amount of test MNX. Here’s how you can contribute to the development:

  • Go to
  • After a simple registration, write to and ask for some test coins (this is the only way to request your coins, please don’t flood the Telegram chat so as to not overwhelm our lovely support team).
  • Ready to go! Start using your test-wallet, report any bugs, improvement proposals or exciting ideas you might have that would enhance the product’s quality.

Note: Because we take security as a core feature of any product we develop, following the community-driven beta-testing, we will “stress test” the Minex Web Wallet thanks to the ethical hackers community. Using their sharp understanding of loopholes, bugs and backdoors, they will test our wallet in order to check its robustness. It goes without saying that any modifications/upgrades they would recommend will be implemented on the spot!

That’s all for today and we want to take this special occasion to thank our community for their upcoming efforts in making our web wallet a top-notch product!



Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog

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