Minexcoin Tutorial: How to Mine MNX?

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
3 min readAug 1, 2017

Here is a detailed tutorial where we’ve described how you can mine MNX.

There are several ways to do it:

  • You can use one of the mining pools which support MNX.
  • You can mine using our user-friendly GUI that can use only one thread (with minexcoin-qt file).
  • You can mine with several system threads within terminal (with file -minexcoind).

Now let’s look at each way further.

Mining Pools

You can choose one of the supported pools and start to mine. Well, this one’s pretty simple. Here is the list of active pools:

http://minexpool.org (not affiliated to minexpool.nl)

GUI Mining

Choose GUI mining with only one thread if you’re using minexcoin-qt.


Help -> Debug window -> Console.

generate <nblocks> — Start mining process.
generatetoaddress <nblocks> <address> — Start mining process to certain address.

<nblocks> — How many blocks need to be mined.
<address> — Address to receive mined coins.

You can start several system threads for mining to load your CPU. Run command “generate” or “generatetoaddress” as many times as your AMOUNT OF CPU’s CORES, but wait until 2 seconds or more before you will start command again.

If you’re using our GUI on the Linux, you have to add “ &” at the end of command to run mining in background.

Note: Mining process may find block or disconnect from minexcoin daemon. If block was found, start mining process again to find the next block. If mining process was disconnected, don’t start it again until block will be found.

Mining Within Terminal

To start several system threads for mining to load your CPU choose your system first.

1. Download zip archive from https://minexcoin.com (http://minexcoin.com/bin/linux/minexcoin-linux.zip).
2. Extract zip archive named “minexcoin-linux.zip” via linux terminal OR graphical user interface. (HELP: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-extract-zip-files-in-linux-unix-command/)
3. Open linux terminal if it wasn’t done before. (HELP: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+how+to+open+terminal)
4. Move to folder where you unzip the files. (HELP: http://www.rapidtables.com/code/linux/cd.htm)
5. Run command in linux terminal to start minexcoin core daemon: ./minexcoind -rpcthreads=<n> & . Where “<n>” is: AMOUNT OF CPU’s CORES + 1.
6. Run command to get common info about network and yours wallet: ./minexcoin-cli getinfo . (HELP: https://chainquery.com/bitcoin-api/getinfo)
7. Run command listed in item 6 until value of variable “blocks” of output of command “getinfo” will be equal to height of last block on explorer (http://minexexplorer.com/).
8. Run command to start mine: ./minexcoin-cli generate <nblocks> & . Where <nblocks> is amount of blocks need to be mined.
9. Run command listed in item 8 as many times as your AMOUNT OF CPU’s CORES but wait 2 seconds or more before you will start command again.
10. Wait until your CPU cores find blocks for you. It is a hard work and it may takes a very long period. Be patient, please.
11. If block is mined, you receive something like “0000016cc4c6b1a4a425f0687d0d9268b9b0c92bc6c03d2343e4a4c302d159bb”. This is your mined block. You are the winner.

1. Download zip archive from https://minexcoin.com. There are x32 and x64 versions in separated archives. (http://minexcoin.com/bin/windows-x64/minexcoin-windows.zip or http://minexcoin.com/bin/windows-x32/minexcoin-windows.zip).
2. Extract zip archive named “minexcoin-windows.zip” via graphical user interface.
3. Open windows command line if it wasn’t done before. (HELP: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=windows+how+to+open+cmd)
4. Move to folder where you unzip the files. (HELP: https://ss64.com/nt/cd.html)
5. Run command in windows command line to start minexcoin core service: minexcoind.exe -rpcthreads=<n> . Where “<n>” is: AMOUNT OF CPU’s CORES + 1.
6. Run command in another command line to get common info about network and yours wallet: minexcoin-cli.exe getinfo . (HELP: https://chainquery.com/bitcoin-api/getinfo)
7. Run command listed in item 6 until value of variable “blocks” of output of command “getinfo” will be equal to height of last block on explorer (http://minexexplorer.com/).
8. Run command to start mine: start /B minexcoin-cli.exe generate <nblocks> . Where <nblocks> is amount of blocks need to be mined.
9. Run command listed in item 8 as many times as your AMOUNT OF CPU’s CORES, but wait 2 seconds or more before you will start command again.
10. Wait. Just wait. No, seriously, you have to wait until your CPU cores find blocks for you. It is a hard work and it may takes a VERY LONG PERIOD. Be patient, please.
11. If block is mined, you receive something like “0000016cc4c6b1a4a425f0687d0d9268b9b0c92bc6c03d2343e4a4c302d159bb”. This is your mined block. You are winner.




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