MinexPay Report | The Partnerships, the Integrations

Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog
3 min readSep 24, 2018

Since the last report we’ve been so jazzed up on coffee and development projects that we’ve basically forgotten how to talk. It’s been a long, but very exciting experience.

Ready for the news? Even if you’re not, don’t worry — you’ve got plenty of time to get there while we check the numbers.

We’ve reached 20K!

That’s right, we’ve finally reached twenty thousand — no, not Leagues Under the Sea; we’re talking about MinexPay card pre-orders. To be exact, we have 23,057 MinexPay card pre-orders, almost half of which (11,579) are Standard, 4,473 are Gold, 2,402 are Platinum, and 4,603 are Infinite.

MinexPay cards pre-orders by types, total as of September 23rd.

The new voices of MinexPay

Every product starts with a great idea that someone decides to make a reality, but it would all be for nothing without an amazing and constantly expanding community. Well, we’ve got that covered!

During the last few weeks we’ve also founded two incredible marketing partnerships.

Our PR activities will now be handled by the folks at Hapax, who have been soothing the savage beast that is PR and marketing for tech and crypto companies for quite some time now. We met them in person at BlockShow Americas 2018, and we can’t wait to start working with them. Meanwhile the blockchain vets at INCRYPTICO are here to help us create content you’ll love and spread the word to our community. The INCRYPTICO team has worked with all sorts of companies, from large exchanges and trading platforms to crypto-related services and ICOs, and now they’ve teamed up with us. We believe that this partnership will allow us to deliver better content to our community and keep a some extra hands on deck for product development.

Coders Code, Integrations Integrate

We’ve started integrating MinexPay into MinexWallet. Our five-person team includes a UX designer, a DevOps, and front-end and back-end developers, and they’re doing some amazing work. Once this project is complete, the blockchain will finally be connected to the world of bank cards. How cool is that!

Our current objective is to build an architecture that can cope with very high loads and process massive numbers of transactions made simultaneously by lots of users. We’ve been using Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestrator lead by Google, and so far, so good. Thanks to this solution, our infrastructure will always fit the load like a glove, expanding during peaks and shrinking down to a more cost-effective model during lulls.

Transactions in MinexWallet need to be lightning fast. We’re working on speeding up the wallet to the point where transactions will take less than a second.

And, needless to say, we’re still working on the overall security of both MinexPay and MinexWallet. All deposits will go directly to cold storage, which makes them impossible to appropriate or divert. Everyone will be able to see the process in action using our block explorer. But we won’t stop there — once we’ve put all of our security know-how into the product we’ll hire an independent auditing company or white hat hackers to take a look and make sure your funds are safer than ever.

Well, that’s the end of our report. Please feel free to follow us on social media so you can keep in touch and stay up to date on what’s happening at MinexPay.




Minexcoin | MinexPay
Minexcoin | MinexPay Blog

The official Medium account of Minexcoin and MinexPay. Your piece of mind in the banking on a blockchain. https://minexpay.com