Omnium Accelerates: Second Stakeholder Meeting:

Jenny Balliet
MinED & BlockED
Published in
11 min readJul 10, 2019

Current Momentum & Industry Update By CEO and Founder, Kathleen Reilly & Chief Engagement Officer, Jenny Balliet, June 25, 2019

Disclaimer: This article is a the text of the speech given at Mainstreet Advisors, Chicago. It does not represent any legal, financial, or other investment advice. We encourage everyone as always to do your own research. All statements within are are carefully footnoted for later reference and purview below. Omnium Accelerates is also parallel published on the Omnium Publication, the Athena Trade Publication, websites, and Linked In.

Opening Remarks

Thank you all so much for attending our 2nd stakeholder meeting. Over the past month, We’ve met with many of you to hear your thoughts and visions. Thank you for your advice, support, connections, and verbal sponsorship agreements. [1]

Your continued commitment to be a leader within Chicago’s first FinTech innovation ecosystem has demonstrated that while Chicago has always been competitive in nature, it has also always been a collaborative epicenter throughout the many evolutions of trading and finance. We now see this same need at the intersection of Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and Fintech. In other words, as everyone in this room knows,

Chicago has been, and always will be, agile to innovate.

Your involvement is inspiring. Through your connections and our momentum, working together, interest has extended far beyond Chicago, with other coworking and innovation hubs seeking partnership in our innovation center.

Timing is Everything

This only solidifies my belief that now is the time to capitalize on this interest. We have a perfect storm of factors to catapult Chicago’s innovation hub into the spotlight the proper and compliant way so as to not repeat the mistakes of 2017. [2]

Regulations are Emerging

The regulatory environment is primed for innovation as these rules become progressively more clear in FinTech and beyond. Many of you are at the forefront of this dynamic effort, which seeks to incentivize innovation in Illinois versus elsewhere. [2] [3][12]

Data and diagram:; Central image re-created 2019 for Omnium Blockchain, LLC. [4]

Our Industry is poised for Mass Exposure

With the albeit, controversial, launch of Libra via Facebook and its partners, the amount of users in the digital asset space has grown exponentially fueling the vital conversation on many fronts. According to CNBC, this could be 2.7 billion monthly users now exposed to cryptocurrency. [5] [5]

Even for those who have noteworthy objections to the Data Privacy issues of Libra, those who share your views likely will be driven to other cryptocurrencies. [5][6][7][8] This time in history is the Sorting Hat of the Digital Asset space. [9]

Everyone has a place, regardless of which house you are in.

Market Timing

Momentum has accelerated exponentially. Bitcoin, as of this statement and with no further projection as to its future value, is at its eighteen-month high. [10] [10]

If the Bear Market has taught us anything, it is that both compliance and COLLABORATION are KEYS to facilitate ethical growth. [10][11][12]

Yes, we watched interest wane as the market lost considerable volume, however, this allowed many bad actors to be both exposed and weeded out. [13]

We have seen regulations emerge and professionals in legal, regulatory, and marketing, coach and guide those projects who, despite the FUD, continued to quietly build the ecosystem. Many of these were built right here in Chicago. These strong-willed companies will shape the future of humanity and are housed next door to some of the biggest trading and investment institutions globally. [14][15][16]

Chicago Stories that FUEL our Ecosystem



Seed CX recently launched its stablecoin, with a team member named Crain’s 20 in their 20’s.[44][45]

Drawbridge Lending

Offers no margin-call, bitcoin-backed loans for institutional investors as an option for those stuck in the bear market, allowing investors to keep their coin, while DrawBridge Lending manages the risk, thereby, fueling growth. [19]

Athena Bitcoin

Facilitates massive adoption in Latin America through 22 Colombia ATM machines; one, a mere 100 yards from the Venezuelan border [20] 11 BTMS in Argentina, many of these housed in Walmarts, and 40 Kiosks in Mexico just launched on Cinco de Mayo, 2019. [21]


Last week, the HXRO project achieved Market cap of $3.04M [22]


Omnium’s Mission is simply stated,

To create an ecosystem like none we have seen, one built on genuine collaboration which connects

Builders, Investors, Companies, Universities, K-12 institutions (STEAM) initiatives (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math) along with all other members of society, all under one roof, learning, coaching, and collaborating, together. [23] By doing so, we will elevate Chicago as a Blockchain, crypto and FinTech hub, freely open to collaborating with all other Blockchain, Crypto, and FinTech hubs globally. [24]

This attention, knowledge, and insight has benefits to each one of our individual and collective goals alike. These encompass both short term and long range objectives. Our momentum has already produced results. Since we last emailed you on May 20th, in simply 30 days, by working together, we have achieved the following. [25]

Peaking Interest & Mainstreet Options: Potential Coworking Space

While another entity placed a bid on the Peak6 space and negotiations have been postponed, the University of Chicago connected me with Mainstreet Advisor’s Mr. John Crosson. [26] [27] Through our shared vision and due to a recent acquisition by Fifth Third Bank, and a potential sponsorship, a second space has become available. [28] We are in it right now.

With the applications already in hand, I am confident WE can fill this space quickly, with the right teams. This second space easily meets the needs of our companies. We also have other options under advisement in the West Loop. [29][30]

Collaboration: Dom & Tom & Athena.Trade

D&T have been gracious enough to let members tour their office, some even working out of it for a short period of time. This location has 5 offices, 2 conference rooms, a beautiful kitchen and an awesome existing culture rooted in development and design. [31]

Athena.Trade has offered same and Omnium is a member company, actively collaborating with Gil Valentine, Jenny Balliet, and Bill Ulivieri. [32] Athena.Trade hosts presentations and live streams them in a series called, Athena.Trade Presents, which then, promotes its member companies, including Omnium. [33] [34][35]

As Director of presentations, Jenny also handles the Social Media. She has created the hashtag for this initiative, #OmniumAccelerate. Follow this hashtag for all of the latest Omnium news. [36] [37]


Through these efforts and YOUR connections we’ve received an additional 10 applications from teams.


To date, we have received several verbal sponsorship commitments. These include contributions include firms across the spectrum and encompass countless verticals from healthcare to legal, and energy to manufacturing.

Currently, we seek additional 10 sponsors for the year, if you know of someone who may be interested, please have them contact us.

Entity Formation

We have met with multiple legal professionals and other accelerator/innovation centers to determine the best legal formation for this entity. As always, we remain open to suggestions from our Community and guidance from our Advisory Board. Potentially, we will move Omnium to an L3C structure as it allows us to be both a mission-driven organization while still retaining the ability to remain agile.

Interestingly, an L3C is only available in 10 states, Illinois being one of them. This structure offers us the ability to remain mission-driven and yet agile to accept other investment opportunities as they may arise, including investment which can be written off as a charitable donation. Thereby, allowing any foundation all of which are mandated to give 5% of their assets annually, to invest in sustainable cryptocurrency, Blockchain, & FinTech growth via Omnium. Id.

Fintech Ranger Accelerator

We would now like to turn your attention to Mr. Michael Cavanaugh to say a few words regarding the collaboration with his FinTech Accelerator. [40]


We have been speaking with multiple professionals within our community to be part of our Advisory Board, each bringing with them their own talents and experiences to provide the most well rounded and representative sample.

This board is a powerhouse, currently we have 14 verbal commitments, and as these convert into signed agreements, we will be releasing the names on Social Media. Follow us at @OmniumChicago #PowerHouse #OmniumAccelerates

Many are in the room today. Look around at the talent we are so fortunate to have present in this room.

This… is Chicago!


Now that we have updated you on the logistics, Let’s talk collaboration! In the last month we have spoken with companies from New York to DC and Florida to Silicon Valley. Including international companies located in Dublin. Let us just say, outside Chicago more collaboration is afoot!

For example, to date we have discussed partnerships with BlockSpaces Tampa, and BlockShop DC. [42] [46] Both of which align in an effort to create a neural network where we share data, resources, and space. We will be expanding this network over time and will keep you apprised of same.


There is room for everyone within the Omnium Ecosystem as that is exactly what the word translates thereof

Omnium, in Latin, of all.

We cannot make this a success without you. Through first identifying and understanding your needs. Then, diligently planning to maximize these needs while jointly setting and maintaining norms and expectations, together, we will build an ecosystem that epitomizes what

Chicago has long been known for: collaborative and agile innovation with a competitive edge

However, this time, we are not limiting ourselves to financial markets, as Distributed Ledger Technologies will fuel the intersection of legacy systems, cryptocurrency, and Blockchain technologies will eventually optimize every system, company, and process, across every industry.

You have all helped us so much, but how can we help you?

Please, do not hesitate to let us know at any point.

How can WE help YOU? Click Here

To this end, here is what I need from you,

  • Our verbal commitments need to be converted to executed written agreements
  • We are in need of more Sponsors
  • We would be grateful for any Connections to Sponsors on the Target List
  • We seek to structure this entity in the most mutually beneficial way. We will consistently seek feedback.
  • We have created a short survey that you were given as you walked in.
  • We ask you to please, carefully and honestly, fill out this survey. This will allow us to create the most symbiotic ecosystem. The questions are open ended and anonymous. However, please feel free to add your name if you so choose. Unable to attend? click here To take the survey.

If we come together to create this trusted lighthouse, our ecosystem….

in an otherwise dark and unknown sea — of emerging technologies…..

we will serve as a port of call…

a safe harbor…

where coaching and collaboration, foster genuine innovation, while serving as a guide to mark the treacherous waters,

like those that ensnared the companies under scrutiny now for non-compliance in varying respects

We, instead, seek to guide these ships, our start up companies in the right direction, one critical for our growth, in full compliance so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of 2017.

Thank you for your continued support, as we all know, Blockchain is a team sport, a family. Welcome to the Omnium Ecosystem!

Resources Consulted






[6]; see also

[7]; see also;






[13]; see also



[16]; See also

[17]; see also,; see also

[18]; see also


[20] see also








[28]; see also






[34]; see also

[35]; see also





[40]; see also



[43] (added later)







Jenny Balliet
MinED & BlockED

Frmr. Dir. of Presentations, Athena.Trade | E Media Group | Educator|ADD/ADHD Coach |M.Ed. |Writer | MLAW |Founder of MinED & Lula & CO|Mom (14yo Gmer./Writer)