#Start2 Bitcoin

MinED & BlockED
Published in
6 min readAug 12, 2019

Recently, I got these cards that were all about Bitcoin from Mr. Gil Valentine. The cards were great, especially for beginners! I loved the drawings they were really cool. I learned a lot. I do have a few suggestions to improve the cards. For example, the directions should say you must have someone who knows a little bit about bitcoin, (or Google) new to you. Otherwise, you won’t really get it; so, if you live under a rock where there is no Google, this won’t work well for you.

Before you look at these cards, you just kind of need to catch up on the Bitcoin news. Like CoinTelegraph, Twitter, or CoinDesk. For example, Bitcoin holidays like pizza day (May 22nd) or Bitcoin’s birthday, (Jan. 3) are good to know. Or, who created Bitcoin a really dramatic phenomenon, according to Twitter. Well, I mean we know Satoshi Nakamoto made bitcoin. We just do not know who is the real Mr./Ms. Nakamoto. I hope it is a girl or Notch. (Notch the creator of Minecraft. Why I hope this is because Minecraft just recently had its 10 anniversary just like bitcoin)

Another suggestion I have for this product is that you really need to know a lot of background history on finances. For instance, there was a card all about how Bitcoin’s NOT a Ponzi scheme and it didn’t necessarily make sense without Google right next to me. I suggest to look at the cards and just have your friend look it up on Google right next to you. then, tell you. Or, just instead of saying Bitcoin cards for beginners, say Bitcoin cards medium edition. At the end of reading all the cards, you get five dollars of bitcoin it is like a little ‘token’ of appreciation, not depreciation. You know, because many people say bitcoin does not have value we will cover that below.

What I Learned

Here are some fun facts you will learn with these cards. Bitcoins come from miners who approve transactions. Only 21 million bitcoin will be produced. PS watch your spelling, don’t Google Buttcoin. Yeah, there is one of those. That is just weird, and also not bitcoin.

There are three ways you can get Bitcoin. One way is on another platform for services kind of like a Youtuber does, The second is an ATM, my favorite because Athena Bitcoin ATMs have an owl on them, so there are a lot of wise people. The third way is on an exchange like my friend Franklin works for an exchange.

Those were just some of the things you will learn with these cards. Other things that are important are bitcoin and taxes, yeah you sort of have to pay those. You learn strange words like HODL (hold on for dear life) and there is a lot of talk about Lambos. But, that is another story. You learn about keys, encryption, and wallets. Without a wallet, you have no bitcoin. The types of wallets are hardware wallet, mobile, and Web. They all have their own risks, do a lot of research. Now onto the myths or lies about Bitcoin.

Myths: Money

Bitcoin will die. All currencies collapse. Yes, great observation. However, Bitcoin will most likely last longer because think about it right now in modern time, with technology all we do is advance or be on some sort of electronic, most likely, we’re going to keep advancing, and guess what, Bitcoins are electronic and global too. Boom.

Bitcoin doesn’t have value to the World. Hmm… oh, my, bitcoin is worth how much? Also, the fact that bitcoin is not a sheep you bargain with and also not a heavy gold bar. Because, what if you only have a sheep and no one wants a sheep, well that causes problems. Bitcoin solves that and it is a digital coin, easy to carry.

Bitcoin is a bubble. Well, guess what, Bitcoin may be a bubble (a bubble is when an asset can go really high but then lose its value, just break/pop) but, let me name other bubbles that worked well for me, Apple (my phone), Amazon (my mochi) , Netflix (Thor Ragnarok). Ya get the picture..

Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. In a Ponzi scheme, you promise someone money, but you really are not going to give them your money, you keep promising everybody the same one thing. You really never give anyone anything, you keep all the money, and only give anger to others. Bitcoin doesn’t promise you anything. The purpose of bitcoin is to bring financial inclusion to everyone on earth.

Bitcoin has no value to me. Well, I disagree, when I got #start2Bitcoin I got $5 worth of Bitcoin, I find that valuable so does The Google.

My favorite fact about Bitcoin’s value was:

“Bitcoin pizza day May 22nd, was when Laszlo Hanyecz paid for two pizzas with 10k Bitcoins ” -Bitcoin Pizza Day Card

Myths: Technology

Bitcoin gets hacked all the time. Oh, my God, scientific breakthrough, phones, emails, and computers get hacked. Do you stop using those? It has also never been hacked you also can’t necessarily hack Bitcoin you would have to hack the place it lives, like a wallet, or exchange, the bitcoin Blockchain has not been hacked.

Bitcoin is primarily used by criminals. Well, guns are used by them too. Did we take those away, no. Oh, and so are bombs, knives, cars, and the INTERNET (the same one everybody uses.) Do we take those away? No. People say it is anonymous so bad actors can use it, so is money (my cash). I do not stop using that. Now, also the fact that Bitcoin isn’t necessarily anonymous, it is only pseudonymous, meaning only part hidden. You can review what your purchases were and who gave them to you. Also, you must pass KYC (Know Your Customer) this is part of the law. No way around that to have an account.

You should watch this Lemon Coin Video, it says,

Smile, say KYC. click. Then the exchange can trust you. Go to timestamp 1:28.

Cool Things About Bitcoin

Mining. Bitcoins come from Mining on a network called a Blockchain. When data comes into a Blockchain it needs to be checked because the Blockchain is immutable. The way we know the info is true is that it’s stamped in a ‘block.’ This process is called mining. A ‘block’ is stamped every ten minutes. You can’t stamp a ‘block’ without making sure that all of its data is correct otherwise it will become a bad actor

Blockchain: A Blockchain is a ledger made of data when Miners are rewarded in Bitcoin. The fastest and correct Miner gets a reward, the Bitcoin. You can’t stamp a block without an agreement. This means that 51% of the Miners or (nodes) need to agree. This keeps the network secure and bad actors who try to change the block can’t have the reward bitcoin. They are booted out. This is called consensus.

Bitcoin is Open Source, this is a software that you do not have to pay for and lots of people contribute to it sort of like a classroom project.

Blockchain is the future the purpose of Blockchain is to have immutability that means it’s unchangeable. Another purpose is to have a system where you can’t lie. Blockchains can fork when the Blockchain can’t decide the Blockchain splits. If you have the first one you can double your money.

In summary, I am really glad that I have these cards. I want to tell all my friends all about Bitcoin and Blockchain:



  1. Don’t listen to the haters they say FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt),
  2. Don’t ‘pump and dump,’ that is like lying,
  3. Pay taxes
  4. Don’t be a ‘bag holder’ do a lot of research on anything that touches any money or sheep you have.
  5. Be a whale, I like whales.



MinED & BlockED

I love to #game and learn about new things. I like writing, graphics, and #crypto. I like to spill the news in Roblox with my BFF Porcupine212 & animal welfare.