The Ultimate Guide on How to Write Terraform Modules — Part 1 — Building a Foundation

Marius Tolzmann
Terramate Blog
Published in
8 min readApr 20, 2020



This is an opinionated view on how to write awesome Terraform modules that follow best practices as defined in “Creating Modules” and introduce new best practices that we follow when writing new modules.

As we are making heavy use of latest Terraform features the minimum version of Terraform that should be used is v0.12.20 [Jan 22, 2020] as this version introduces support for the functions try() and can() and also includes support for resource-level for_each (introduced in v0.12.6 and fully functional since v0.12.9 [Sep 17 2019]). All assumptions and issues mentioned are based on the latest Terraform version as of writing this article is v0.12.24 [Mar 19, 2020].

Table of Contents of Part 1

  1. Basic Module Structure Recap
  2. Introducing module_depends_on Attribute
  3. Introducing module_enabled Attribute
  4. Conclusion and outlook
  5. In the next Parts of this series

Basic Module Structure Recap

When creating new modules the general best practices as described in Hashicorps official Terraform documentation in the creating modules section should be followed. The basics are not covered here again, as we think, repeating the content in different words will not result in a better version. Also, the use of submodules will not be covered again. Everything explained in the following sections applies to submodules as well.

A general terraform module structure should have the following files:

  • Input variables should be defined in
  • Resources and Data sources should be defined in
  • Output values should be defined in (we will cover details in Part 2 of this series)
  • Dependencies on a specific version of Terraform and all used providers should be maintained in
  • Documentation is key and every module should have a describing the general usage, input variables, and outputs

For running examples in this article, we created a module that follows those best practices. The module is named terraform-null-resource and can be found here:

Introducing module_depends_on Attribute

The current version of Terraform does not support the depends_on attribute for modules. The depends_on attribute in resources should be used for hidden dependencies that terraform is not able to spot based on direct usage of references between resources.

In some cases, a depends_on hint would be useful also in more complex modules. To work around the limitations we introduced a module_depends_on attribute in modules that enables resources inside the module to explicitly depend on external resources outside of the module.

Without this feature, internal and external resources will be created in parallel, and results might be random and subject to race conditions in rare cases.

The implementation of this workaround is straight-forward and can be introduced in existing modules without a breaking change.

  1. Create a variable named module_depends_on
  2. Add or extend a depends_on attribute for all resources in the module

Create a variable named module_depends_on

Add a new variable named module_depends_on to the module's file. The type of the variable is set to any to mimic the depends_on terraform feature as close as possible, use it as a list. The default value of this variable should be an empty list stating that no external dependencies exist.

variable "module_depends_on" {
type = any
description = "A list of external resources the module depends_on"
default = []

Add or extend a depends_on attribute for all resources in the module

The easiest way to make sure the expected results are achieved is to make all module resources depend on the external resources. But as this will reduce parallelism due to not satisfying dependencies you might want to consider just adding a depends_on attribute to some resources.

Terraforms HCL interpolation algorithms for variables do not require any fancy dependency definition. It is sufficient to let the resources just depend on the variable itself. See an example of a null resource on how to implement this:

resource "null_resource" "label" {
depends_on = [

See module_depends_on in action

We’ve created a test module (terraform-null-resource) and an example to show the module_depends_on in action. The example will create a bunch of null_resource resources.

Example of how to use module_depends_on.

This sets up a dependency on for module.has-external-dependency. So resources within the module will be created after In this case, module.has-external-dependency.null_resource.single[0] will be created last and will be destroyed last.

To try this out repeat the following steps to clone and initialize the example:

$ git clone
$ cd article-examples/terraform/examples/module_depends_on
$ terraform init

Now apply the module and destroy it afterward. The resources that will be created are null_resource resources and not real infrastructure so not costs will be generated. The used backend will be Terraform’s local backend.

$ terraform apply -auto-approve
module.has-no-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Creating... Creating... Creating... Creation complete after 0s [id=2158780084618493749] Creation complete after 0s [id=1313529758799204548]
module.has-no-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Creation complete after 0s [id=933328012311274445]
module.has-external-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Creating...
module.has-external-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Creation complete after 0s [id=3613129016092343865]
Apply complete! Resources: 4 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.$ terraform destroy -refresh=false -auto-approve Destroying... [id=1313529758799204548]
module.has-external-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Destroying... [id=3613129016092343865]
module.has-external-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Destruction complete after 0s
module.has-no-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Destroying... [id=933328012311274445]
module.has-no-dependency.null_resource.single[0]: Destruction complete after 0s Destruction complete after 0s Destroying... [id=2158780084618493749] Destruction complete after 0s
Destroy complete! Resources: 4 destroyed.

In the protocol above you can see how all resources are created and destroyed as soon as possible and in parallel but only the setup dependency is deferred to the end.

Introducing module_enabled Attribute

At the time of writing, there aren’t any existing workarounds for the missing count or for_each support. If you only like to trigger a module to be active or inactive based on the evaluation of an expression we recommend you implement a variable e.g. module_enabled to trigger the desired behavior. Once module_enabled is set to false no resources in the module should be created. Some module providers implement this with different naming like create or enabled but we decided to prefix this so conflicts are less likely.

Implementing module_enabled

So how would the implementation of module_enabled look like? Every resource within a module should either implement count or for_each depending on the value of var.module_enabled.

To implement the module_enabled feature some simple changes to the base example need to be made:

  1. Add a variable module_enabled that defaults to true
  2. Change all resources to depend on the state of var.module_enabled
  3. Adjust outputs

Add a variable module_enabled that defaults to true.

variable "module_enabled" {
type = bool
description = "Whether to create resources within the module"
default = true

Change all resources to depend on the state of var.module_enabled.

WARNING: for single resources that do not use count or for_each this will add a count of either 1 or 0. If this is an already exiting and published module this will introduce a major breaking change as resources will be destroyed and recreated under a new name: In the given example module.somename.null_resource.single will be destroyed and module.somename.null_resource.single[0] will be created.

resource "null_resource" "single" {
count = var.module_enabled ? 1 : 0 # ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE
resource "null_resource" "count" {
count = var.module_enabled ? length(var.examplelist) : 0
resource "null_resource" "for_each" {
for_each = var.module_enabled ? toset(var.examplelist) : []

Adjust Outputs

For the introduced breaking change on single resources, you need to adjust the outputs also. In addition to that, we recommend exporting the final value of module_enabled.

output "module_enabled" {
description = "Whether the module is enabled or not."
value = var.module_enabled
output "single" {
description = "The single null_resource object."
value = try(null_resource.single[0], {})

See module_enabled in action

We created a test module (terraform-null-resource) and an example to show the module_enabled in action. The example will create a bunch of null_resource resources.

To try this out repeat the following steps to clone and initialize the example:

$ git clone
$ cd article-examples/terraform/examples/module_enabled
$ terraform init

Next, we run terraform apply on the module. The resources that will be created are of the type null_resource. Since null resources won't deploy any real infrastructure components, no costs will be caused. The backend used will be Terraform's local backend.

$ terraform apply -auto-approve
module.hello-world.null_resource.count[1]: Creating...
module.hello-world.null_resource.single[0]: Creating...
module.hello-world.null_resource.for_each["world!"]: Creating...
module.hello-world.null_resource.for_each["hello"]: Creating...
module.hello-world.null_resource.single[0]: Creation complete after 0s [id=30127531696241687]
module.hello-world.null_resource.count[0]: Creating...
module.hello-world.null_resource.count[1]: Creation complete after 0s [id=8363602364283639683]
module.hello-world.null_resource.for_each["hello"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=3274290552939669927]
module.hello-world.null_resource.for_each["world!"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=57837020342794834]
module.hello-world.null_resource.count[0]: Creation complete after 0s [id=7157558843500998853]
Apply complete! Resources: 5 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

In the protocol above you can see that Terraform only creates the resources that are associated with the enabled module.

Conclusion and outlook

Terraform has some limitations as of today. Introducing module_depends_on and module_enabled can easily work around these limitations. When creating new modules we recommend implementing those features so that users of the module can enable/disable modules programmatically for specific environments. Also to avoid race conditions when creating resources in parallel and having a hidden dependency on external resources.

Future of module_depends_on

Future versions of Terraform will most likely include depends_on for modules, which will make the full module and thus all resources in the module depend on external resource and deffer internal resource creation after the depending resources are created.

But even if native support for depends_on will be available the module_depends_on approach might be able to deliver a more fine-grained dependency definition by allowing to only make some resources in a module depend on external resources and not all of them.

Future of module_enabled

Once Terraform implements count support for modules, the module_enabled feature will not be needed for new modules anymore. Existing modules might need to keep the module_enabled implementation available because adding a count to modules will rename the resource in the state file and trigger a destroy/create action on the resources in the module (e.g. the module.has-external-dependency.null_resource.single[0] will then be called module.has-external-dependency[0].null_resource.single[0] when adding count = 1).

In the next Parts of this series

What Part 2 of this series will cover — non-tech best practices

  1. What kind of module do you want to write?
  2. Rethinking module outputs

What Part 3 of this series will cover — improving the state

  1. Why you should use for_each instead of count in resources?
  2. Computed vs. Non-Computed Variables

What Part 4 of this series will cover — deep tech issue workarounds

  1. How to work around HCLs limitations and existing issues

We are here to share our knowledge!

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