ASIC Hub (Non-SSH): How to run it on Windows

Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2020

ASIC Hub (Non-SSH) is only available for Linux, iOS, and Raspberry Pi. For those using Windows, we suggest running a virtual machine with Ubuntu. In this blog post, we will show you how to prepare your Windows computer to be able to run ASIC Hub.

💡 Before we start …

If you run msOS rig, don’t forget that it runs on Linux, so any msOS rig can work as a server for your ASIC Hub. Furthermore, any other Linux-based OS can work as an ASIC Hub server as well. If you own more than 10 ASICs, we do suggest to consider trying Raspberry Pi as it can be an affordable alternative to running a whole (Mac, Linux, or Windows) computer.

Step 1: Download and install Virtual Box

You can use any software that runs as a virtual machine, but in this tutorial, we will use Oracle’s free software VirtualBox.

Navigate to the download page by clicking on the download button you can find on the official website and click on the latest Windows hosts to download VirtualBox installer on your Windows computer.

Run the installer and follow the installation procedure.

Step 2: Download Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Once the Virtual Box is installed, download the latest version of Ubuntu.

  1. Open the Ubuntu download page.
  2. Click on the green [Download] button.
  3. Remember the path to which the Ubuntu image was saved as you will need it in the next step.

Step 3: Create a new virtual machine

Open VirtualBox and follow the steps to create a new virtual machine.

  1. Click on the New icon.
  2. Enter the name of your virtual machine, for example, ASIC Hub. For type select Linux and for version Ubuntu (64-bit). Click Next.
  3. You can select custom memory size or leave it at 1 GB as it is. Click Next.
  4. Create a virtual hard disk or use an existing one. Click Next.
  5. You can change the hard disk file type. Click Next.
  6. You can change the storage on the physical hard disk. Click Next.
  7. You can change the file location and size. Click Create.
  8. You have a new virtual machine in your list.

Then click on settings and set the following settings.

General / Advanced

Under the General / Advanced, set Bidirectional for Shared clipboard and Drag’n’Drop. This will allow you to copy something on the Windows and paste it to the virtual machine (and vice-versa). You can skip this setting if you will enter everything manually on the virtual machine.


Under the Storage, set the Ubuntu image that you downloaded in the previous step.

  1. Click on Empty under Controlled: IDE;
  2. Click on the disk image beside IDE Secondary Master and a submenu will open;
  3. Click on Choose a disk file…;
  4. Find the Ubuntu image you downloaded and load it as a disk file.
  5. Click on Ok to save the settings.

🔧 System recommendations

To run ASIC Hub effectively, you won’t need a lot of memory assigned to the virtual machine, so you can keep RAM at 1 GB. However, it is recommended to assign more CPU cores to the virtual machine if you have more than a few workers.

The more ASICs you will monitor, the more cores we recommend to use. For example, for a farm with 1,000 ASICs 4 core CPU is recommended. If you need help deciding how many cores you should set, you can consult with our team on Discord.

You can change the number of processors in the System / Processor settings of your virtual machine.

You are now ready to run your virtual machine, so click on the Start icon to run the virtual machine.

Step 4: Install Ubuntu

Once you click on the Start icon an installation process of Ubuntu will start and you will need to initialize your OS. You can leave all settings as default or customize it for your needs.

Once the Ubuntu is set you can continue to the last step - installing ASIC Hub.

Step 5: Install ASIC Hub

To install ASIC Hub you will need your access key. If you want to monitor different groups, you will also need a group name that you want to monitor.

  1. Click on the Applications icon in the bottom (or top) left corner.
  2. Write “terminal” to find the Terminal application.
  3. Open the Terminal.
  4. A console will open, waiting for you to type the command.
  5. Run the installation wizard by using the following command:
wget -O - | bash

The wizard will lead you through different steps and install all dependencies and crontabs you need for monitoring.

Your ASIC should be visible on the dashboard in a few moments.

Happy mining!

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