Discovery tool

Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2021

We are introducing a new tool that will help you set up your new minerstat rigs. It is currently only available for msOS, but we will look into a way of adding a similar feature for Windows rigs and ASICs as well.

What is the Discovery tool?

Discovery tool will find all of your undiscovered msOS rigs in the local network - the rigs that weren’t set up on the dashboard yet. In practice, this means that you won’t have to change the config.js on your freshly flashed image anymore, but can just boot from the drive, wait for boot to finish, and prepare everything on the dashboard itself.

While we have released this Discovery tool for those that have a lot of rigs and want to add workers to the dashboard faster and without the need to edit hundreds of config.js files, this tool is also very convenient for anyone that was unable to change the config.js file. And it is just simply cool, so use it even if you have just one rig 😎.

How to set up msOS with the Discovery tool?

The procedure for setting up msOS rigs with the Discovery tool is a little bit different than the classic msOS setup.

  1. You don’t need to add the worker to the dashboard.
  2. You don’t need to change the config.js file on a freshly flashed drive.
  3. You just flashed the image and boot up the drive on the rig.

First, you need to download the msOS image from the software page and flash it with Etcher to a USB (3.0, 16GB), HD, or SSD. Once the image is flashed, you can unplug the USB from the computer and plug it into the rig. When you boot up the rig, wait for all the processes to finish.

The next step is to go to the workers’ list on your minerstat dashboard and click on the [Discover new workers] button. You don’t have to add the worker to your dashboard as the Discovery tool will take care of that.

The next step is to just click [Start scanning] and the Discovery tool will scan your local network for rigs that aren’t added to your dashboard yet. If you are not in the same local network then rigs won’t be discoverable.

In just a few moments, you will see a list of your rigs that are waiting to be added to the dashboard.

You can add them one by one and the outcomes of adding a rig can be either:

  • Added: The worker was successfully added to the dashboard. The screen in the background will refresh and your worker will be online within a few seconds. It will first show as offline, then idle, and then online and mining.
  • Failed: There was something wrong. You can click on the [Failed] status to try again or scan the network again to get the latest state.

Your worker will be added with a unique name to your dashboard, which you can change as soon as the worker comes online. Just click on the pencil icon for editing and rename the worker from your workers’ list. The command for renaming will be automatically sent to your rig and in a couple of seconds, you will see it online with the correct name.

Happy mining!

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