Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2022

Since a lot of miners want to use Linux-based dedicated mining OS but are afraid they won’t know how to use the console, we have decided to introduce a simple, yet powerful Graphical User Interface (GUI) for msOS. You will find all common commands and actions in your new msOS GUI, so let’s just dive into it.

First appearance

If you didn’t set up your msOS rig yet and you also didn’t set up the config.js file, you can just open changeme.local from your local network and you will be met with an initial form where you can set up your access key and worker name in a straightforward way.


You can access the GUI of the rig in two different ways, but it always needs to be from the local network:

  • Opening http://YOUR_RIG_LOCAL_IP - for example,
  • Opening http://YOUR_WORKER_NAME.local - for example, http://worker001.local

On the top of the GUI, you will see a row with all important information:

  • Your worker’s name and button for changing access key and worker name;
  • msOS version;
  • Local and remote IPs (that are visible on hover);
  • Drive, RAM, and network status.

This is followed by a menu that allows you to navigate to hardware, software, logs, network, console, and tools sections of the GUI.

At the bottom of the GUI, there are action buttons that allow you to quickly stop and start mining, restart the mining client, reboot the machine, or shut down the machine.


In the hardware section, you can see information about your:

  • Hardware: Motherboard, MAC address, and free RAM.
  • Drive: Free space and action to expand space on the drive.
  • CPU: Name, temperature, and load.
  • List of GPUs: with BUS ID, GPU name, temperature, fans, power consumption, clock frequencies, and load.


In the software section, you can see information about your:

  • msOS: Version, Ubuntu version, kernel information, and option to update msOS or reflash to a selected version.
  • AMD drivers: Current version with an option to update drivers to a selected version.
  • Nvidia drivers: Current version with an option to update drivers to a selected version.
  • Mining client: List of mining clients, selected mining client, and an option to delete mining clients from drive to get more space.


In the logs section, you can find:

  • Logs: You can download logs or enable/disable them.
  • DMESG: You can download DMESG logs.


In the network section, you can find:

  • Network: Information about your network configuration with an option to configure your network through GUI.
  • Accessibility: You can do a network check to see if your ping, global DNS, minerstat, and pool connections are stable.
  • msOS rigs: You can check other rigs that are in the same local network and navigate to them with click on the rig’s IP.


Click on the console will lead you to the console part of your msOS where you can use the same Linux commands as you were using before.


Click on the tool will open up links to frequently used tools, such as worker’s profile, config, mining calculators, help articles, and Discord.

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