msOS (Re)Flashing tool

Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2021

We are introducing a new tool for faster (re)flashing of your mining rigs and switching to a specific msOS version. For optimal performance, we suggest using an SSD and having at least 8 GB RAM. This tool can be only used through the console. If you use SSD via SATA the process should not take more than a few minutes. For slower systems, it can take much longer.

Note: If the process of flashing fails, the drive will need to be reflashed the regular way (with Etcher on a separate computer).

Updating msOS version

If you are already running a certain msOS version, you can now quickly switch to other versions. The command to check all available commands is mreflash.

A list of possible commands will open up. Select how you want to use the flasher. Here are a few examples.

Reflashing to a latest stable version

With this command, you will flash your OS to the latest stable version.

mreflash --stable

Reflashing to a defined version

With this command, you will flash your OS to the version you want to use. The mreflash command lists all available versions that you can choose from. To flash to the current latest 1.7.5, you would use the following command.

mreflash --version

Force reflashing

msOS will check for memory and disk space and won’t force the reflashing. However, if you still want to do it, you can use a --force flag.

mreflash --stable --force

Include access key and worker name

If you want to update config.js to a specific access key and worker name, you can use the following example:

mreflash --version --accesskey 4c355k3y --worker WORKER001


If you want to utilize flashing through Samba, you can simply use --smb parameters for flashing:

  • --smb-share to define the shared path.
  • --smb-file to define the shared file.
  • --smb-user to define a username (if it is set).
  • --smb-pass to define a password (if it is set).

Here is one example.

mreflash --smb-share // --smb-file myfolder/ --smb-user myusername --smb-pass mypassword

After the process of flashing is finished, you can reboot your rig.

Migrating from other mining OS distros or Linux OS

You can now also migrate from any other mining OS distro or Linux OS to msOS within a few minutes. The same rules for reflashing apply for other distros - you still need enough space on the drive and enough RAM to perform this operation. If flashing fails, a reflash of the drive is needed.

Download migration script

In the first step, you can call the following Linux command from the console to download the migration script.

cd /tmp; wget && sudo bash

Once the migration script is downloaded, you can use it similar to the mreflash command but instead, use sudo bash command.

Reflashing to a latest stable version

With this command, you will flash your OS to the latest stable version.

sudo bash --stable

Reflashing to a defined version

With this command, you will flash your OS to the version you want to use. The mreflash command lists all available versions that you can choose from. To flash to the current latest 1.7.5, you would use the following command.

sudo bash --version

Force reflashing

msOS will check for memory and disk space and won’t force the reflashing. However, if you still want to do it, you can use a --force flag.

sudo bash --stable --force

After the process of flashing is finished, you can reboot your rig.

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