New collection: Mining pools’ DNS records

Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2020

We have recently introduced a new msOS update which greatly improves the connection from your rig to the many popular pools. Since we thought this update could be useful to miners using other operating systems, Linux or Windows, we decided to create a new collection that is available to anyone for free. It is called mining pools’ DNS records - we also call it mining pools whitelist. The list is regularly updated and maintained, but since it is so simple, you can also update it on the go.

What are the mining pools' DNS records?

We have described it as a general free pool whitelist resource for your mining rigs and network/firewall settings.

It is a collection of DNS records which includes a resolved pools list. Each row represents the pool’s stratum address and IP to which the domain is resolved.

Why use DNS records?

There are three main reasons:

  • Faster: Using a local DNS cache will speed up your pool resolving and connection time. You will be able to avoid possible slowdowns, delays, and problems that come from outside DNS services.
  • Smarter: Using a DNS record you will be able to bypass ISP and firewall imposed limitations and avoid possible bad or outdated entries from outside DNS services.
  • Reliable: This pool whitelist is a regularly maintained resource that you can use entirely for free.

How to use DNS records?

First, you need to download the DNS record or use a direct URL to call it from your app or software.

msOS mining OS

If you are using msOS mining OS you don’t have to do anything as this list is already a part of the system.


If you are using any other mining OS or standalone Linux system you can download the file and apply it to the following path:

  • /etc/hosts


If you are on Windows operating system, then you can apply the file to one of the following places:

  • C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • C:\windows\hosts

DNS records

This whitelist can also be used as part of your local DNS record cache on the DNS level or host file so you can import it to Pi-hole or similar software.

Happy mining!

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