Users management

Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2020

We have recently introduced a users management feature to the dashboard. With this new feature, you will be able to add team members and customers and assign them different rights and different stratums. Each user will have their own username, e-mail, and password and each of them will be able to access only the stratums you will give them access to. You can create as many users as you like.

You can access the users' management page by clicking on your avatar and selecting users.

Add a new user

By clicking the button [Add new user], you will be able to create a new user with the following values:

  • Username: The name that a user will see on their account.
  • E-mail: The e-mail that a user will use on their account. The user will need to confirm the e-mail address to it has to be valid.
  • Password: You can set the initial password for a new user, which the user will be able to change on his account later.
  • Rights: Different levels of rights for the user.
  • Stratums: The list of stratums to which a user has access.

User’s rights

Each user can have different rights, which you can also change later.

  • Limited view: The user won’t be able to see the stratum’s address, pool, user value, and password. Only mining information will be available to them. Such access is perfect for guests or customers that don’t have the knowledge of pools and wallets that are being used for mining.
  • Full view: The user will be able to see everything, but won’t be able to change the values. Such access is perfect for guests or customers.
  • Full access: The user will be able to see everything and also be able to update values and change stratums’ settings. Such access is perfect for the team members or customers that want full control.

💡 Note: It is important to note that none of the user levels offers a right to add or delete stratum. Only the main account can do this.

List of all users

In the list of all users, you will be able to see created users and their details alongside information on when was the user last seen. You can edit and delete users directly from this list.

💡 Get more stratums slots: If you are limited with a number of stratums, you can request a VIP status for more stratum slots. Let us know how many stratums you need in the contact form. Note that being a VIP member is free and only brings benefits to your account.


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