Tasks for better organization

Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2021

You and your team can improve your mining operation with better organization. To not miss a single task anymore, we have added a new feature to the dashboard: tasks.

Tasks structure

Each task can take the following structure:

  • Task title: Task title is what your team members will notice the first, so keep it informative but not too long.
  • Task description: You can write custom text to the task description which will help the team members solve the task faster.
  • Task comments: Each member of the team can comment on the task to keep the communication on the task going.
  • Due to: You can assign a date or delete it if you want to keep the task more global.
  • Priority: Task can have low, medium, or high priority.
  • Assigned to: You can leave the task unassigned or assign it to a specific team member.
  • Type: The task can be global or assigned to a specific worker or group.

Filters & Sorting

Tasks can be organized by different criteria that you can also filter on the tasks page:

  • Priority: Task can be high, medium, or low priority where each priority is marked with its own color.
  • Assigned to: Task can be general or assigned to any of the team members.
  • Status: Task can be ongoing, completed, or discarded.
  • Type: Task can be general or assigned to a certain worker or group.

Tasks can be sorted by different criteria as well:

  • Priority: From high to low or from low to high.
  • Assigned to: By name of the team member.
  • Task title: By task’s title.
  • Task type: By task type, worker’s name, and group’s name.
  • A number of replies: By a number of replies on this specific task.
  • Due to time: By the due time if that is available.

Worker’s profile

Tasks that are assigned specifically to one worker can be also accessed from the worker’s profile directly.

You can also quickly assign a new task to a worker directly from the worker’s profile.

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