Worker’s config: Electricity usage and cost

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4 min readNov 23, 2018

minerstat is one of the few mining management software that shows you an estimated earnings monitoring in real-time as you mine. We are improving this service daily by adding new coins and supporting new pools. But, we also listen to the wishes and needs of our mining managers and that’s why we are presenting a new feature.

Worker’s config now allows you to input three new additional values: electricity costs, power consumption, and the number of GPUs. Each of these values will affect the way you see your minerstat dashboard, workers list, and worker’s profile. Continue reading to find out what each of them means and how can you benefit from it.

⚡️ Electricity costs

Electricity costs value is connected to the power consumption value. The value represents the electricity cost you are paying for one kilowatt per hour in the currency you have set on your dashboard. Some of you are using profit switch and the good news is that if you entered the electricity costs for your worker in profit switch, this field will be automatically filled. Additionally, if you change the value either in your worker’s config or in the profit switch, the value will be updated on both pages.

If this value is set at 0, you won’t see any changes on your dashboard.

If this value is set at anything greater than 0 and at the same time you have entered the power consumption value, the estimated earnings on your dashboard, workers list, and worker’s profile will be deducted by the costs of the electricity. By hovering your mouse over the number, you will be able to see the estimated income value and the electricity costs value in a small tooltip.

🔌 Power consumption

Power consumption value represents the number of watts your machine spends on functioning. As you know, the mining OS reports the values, but these values are only the watts the GPUs need. The power consumption of your MoBo, PSU, and other things you have connected to your rig aren’t included in this number. On the other hand, ASICs don’t report anything so there is no way to get the number of power consumption directly from the machine. That’s why you now have the option to measure the power consumption of your machine (or in the case of ASICs enter it from the manufacturer’s guide) to your worker’s config. As opposed to electricity costs, this value won’t be automatically taken from the profit switch. So whatever you have entered in the profit switch stays there, and in worker’s config, you need to enter a new value.

If this value is set at 0, you won’t see any changes on your dashboard.

If this value is set at anything greater than 0, the power consumption information on your dashboard, workers list, and the worker’s profile will show this number. For those using msOS, you will still be able to see the power consumption of each of your GPUs on workers list by hovering over the number of total watts and in worker’s profile in the GPUs table.

Again, if this value is set at anything greater than 0 and at the same time you have entered the electricity costs, the estimated earnings will be deducted by the costs of the electricity and you will be able to check the estimated income and electricity costs by hovering your mouse over the number.

#️⃣ Number of GPUs

Number of GPUs represents the number of GPUs your rig has. This value is useful if you want to quickly see from the workers’ list if any of the GPUs is not working. For example, if your rig has 3 GPUs and you enter 3 in this field, but we have detected only 2 GPUs, you will be able to see 2/3 under the power consumption field.

Scrolling through the workers’ list will allow you to quickly see where are the problems. If there is a GPU missing, the same information will be shown on the diagnostic page as well.

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