A Conversation with Minerva Student Corin

Minerva Voices
Minerva University
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2020

Meet Corin, a student in the Class of 2023.

Quick Facts

Corin Magee

Minnesota and California, United States


Computational Sciences—Artificial Intelligence
Social Science — Psychology


Why did you choose to attend Minerva?
I chose to attend Minerva because of its fascinating take on multicultural immersion. I found Minerva on a list of colleges with the best study abroad programs and instantly was attracted to not only the seven global cities but also its target demographic of international students. I have always enjoyed meeting and bonding with people from different backgrounds and Minerva seemed like the perfect place to do it while attending school. I also knew my academic interests would be met because of the attention to detail in the course designs.

Tell us about a collaboration with a Civic Partner that you are proud of. Which partner was it, and what made you proud of the collaboration.
Last year I worked with Ovio, a San Francisco-based organization that pairs coding or other skilled volunteers with nonprofits in need of tech assistance. My team helped Ovio design a strategy to encourage more volunteers to come back once they had finished a project. This was a great project because our diverse team was able to focus on each of our unique interests and skillsets. Since I am more interested in technology, I was able to create a mock code model of a leaderboard game style, while my teammates designed and proposed improvements to Ovio’s website. This collaboration allowed me to work on a project I was passionate about with an organization that helps the community.

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Minerva community? How would you describe the community?
I have enjoyed meeting all of the interesting people at Minerva. You will always find someone to go on an adventure with or have a late night conversation with. I love how willing everyone is to share their cultures and passions, and the community is very inquisitive. There is always something to learn or laugh over.

What would you tell another student who is considering Minerva?
If you like adventure and want to learn new concepts both in and out of the classroom, Minerva can be a good fit for you. It is hard academically and challenges you to develop the maturity to become an independent person but if you are motivated to keep learning and meet great people, it will be a very rewarding choice!

What are some of your other passions and interests?
I am very passionate about amplifying other’s voices. I have spent much of the past few years volunteering with theater programs helping individuals with special needs or who are neurodiverse create their own stories. I am also interested in how technology can help improve the lives of individuals who are fighting mental illness on a regular basis.

What does Hands-on Technology do? What challenges are they tackling?
Hands-on Technology is a technology-based summer camp for students in San Diego county. Its mission is to promote a love of learning and to get kids to actively create games and projects using coding, robotics, and virtual reality. They are also focused on increasing accessibility to technology and want to eliminate socioeconomic barriers that prevent youth from accessing technology.

How did you hear about the opportunity with Hands-on Technology?
I found Hands-on Technology through the online job search website. I was looking for an internship that would allow me to improve my coding skills without needing too much prior experience. I was able to be hired as an assistant instructor for my first year and got to expand my role to lead instructor and content developer during my second summer with the company.

Why was this of interest to you?
I was drawn to Hands-on Technology because I wanted to share my passion for technology with other kids. This opportunity allowed me to brush up on my basic coding, electronics, robotics, and business management skills, as well. During my time with Hands-on Technology, I was able to take my personal interest in artificial reality and create an entirely new curriculum for middle schoolers!



Minerva Voices
Minerva University

The Opinions and Experiences of Students, Staff, and Faculty at Minerva | Read More http://bit.ly/2gM52Ay