Finding value in data

We started a data science company in China — here’s what we’re about

Ching Jui Young
Ming Ju Technology
3 min readSep 21, 2018


“Before we figured out the internet landscape, the mobile landscape had arrived. And before we figure out the mobile landscape, the big data era will have arrived.” — Jack Ma

It’s been said a lot these days — data is everywhere, and those that know how to access, manipulate, and use it will benefit greatly in today’s digital world.

In early 2017, our founders incorporated Ming Ju Technology in Shanghai with the belief that this world is on the cusp of something great — and it has to deal with data. More than ever, it’s not just about which companies can digitize their companies — it’s about which ones can data-fy quicker.

Our philosophy is simple: we believe there is hidden value within data, and we want to help companies realize that value. We have seen that many companies are able to collect large quantities of data. But the next big hurdle they are facing is finding value within that data and bringing that value to reality.

At our core, we are data scientists. We utilize the latest AI / machine learning and advanced analytic capabilities to identify potential value within in our client’s data. But that’s not all we do. After finding useful insights in the data, we then take the next step to build the necessary IT infrastructure and processes that ensure that value in the data is realized. We bring those data insights to their logical conclusion — that is, increasing revenue, saving costs, and improving business processes.

We started our first project with a high-end performance car manufacturer in late 2016. Since then, we have grown to a team of over 15 data scientists, engineers, developers, and business experts. In our short existence, we’ve obtained expertise in:

  • Statistics, big data analytics and artificial intelligence, including application services such as image recognition, voice recognition, etc.
  • Developing and implementing customized enterprise data lake infrastructure
  • Integrating data services for large enterprises

We’ve completed nearly a dozen unique projects on improving manufacturing and operational efficiencies. Our projects so far have spanned the domains of manufacturing, warranty claims, and logistics. For example, by predicting the quality of tightening gun performance and feeding this data to factory workers in real-time, we were able to reduce the number screws used in their factory. We were also able to revamp our client’s warranty claims process, building a system to automatically detect claims that are high-risk for fraud.

But we’re not stopping there. We’re currently discussing bringing the latest machine learning methods to identify defects within finished products off the assembly line. For example, instead of workers conducting tedious visual checks on each car for painting or welding defects, why not install a camera that automatically identifies defects in the finished product? Or install a microphone to listen to the sounds to identify if there are any defects in the engine?

We’re a young team of scientists, engineers, dreamers and patriots who are passionate about helping clients improve their business performance through data analytics and process improvements.

Moving forward

We’re looking forward to helping companies identify the hidden value within their data. We’re passionate about process improvement and advanced analytics. Our work is applicable to nearly all sectors, including manufacturing, energy, technology, consumer goods, healthcare, financial services, transport, telecommunications, and government. Over the coming months, we will share more details on these exciting projects, lessons learned, business outcomes, as well as cautionary tales for those of you considering similar projects.

If you’re interested in hearing more, please subscribe to this blog or connect with us on any of our social media platforms. Looking forward to staying in touch!

