8 Reads For A Brighter Future

Books that have inspired us this year and given us new mental models and tools to design with responsibility and sustainability in mind.

5 min readSep 9, 2021


The disruption caused by the global pandemic in 2020 has had a myriad of effects, one being a disruption of usual work patterns and a newfound time for reflection. Especially reflection on purpose — i.e., why do we do what we do? And of course, should we keep doing what we do?

We have had much of the same reflection at MING Labs and have come out with a renewed purpose to Design For A Brighter Future. To us, this means crafting transformative work that has responsibility and sustainability as core pillars.

And as always, when looking for inspiration and vision, we have turned to books to gather nuggets of wisdom for input. So for this reading list, we would like to share with you 8 books that have inspired us and from which we have learned valuable lessons. We are currently on a path to change some of the core ways in which we work and the tools and processes we use. Some of the insight these books have provided has helped us in progressing in that transition.

1 — Cradle To Cradle

by William McDonough & Michael Baumgart

Our traditional linear value chains and “cradle to grave” design practices are a significant problem. Products are only designed with one lifecycle in mind, and what happens with the product after that lifecycle is over is often not purposefully designed. The “Cradle to Cradle” philosophy challenges us to think through the different cycles and how products can be designed to enhance the environment and have future lives that are just as valuable as the first one. And most importantly — to design products in a way that never produces any waste.

2 — Future Ethics

by Cennydd Bowles

Following the headlines of the last few years, many ethical problems with our modern technologies have become evident. There are many issues, from social media providing fertile ground for manipulating individuals (or the companies owning the platform perpetrating that manipulation) to advanced AI being put in the service of dictatorial governments to track freedom movements. “Future Ethics” explores the ethical dimension of technology and asks nuanced and critical questions that inspired us to introduce those into our own processes.

3 — Impact

by Ronald Cohen

“Impact Investing” and “Impact Entrepreneurship” are suddenly everywhere, but what do those terms actually mean? What is authentic and meaningful, and what is just a facade? Ronald Cohen has been championing instruments like Social Impact Bonds for a long time and explores the roots and future of the Impact revolution.

4 — Manifesto For A Moral Revolution

by Jacqueline Novogratz

“Doing Well and Doing Good” is a popular mantra these days, but it is more complicated than it looks on the surface. The problems that socially and environmentally conscious companies try to tackle are complex and systemic in nature. This means that interventions might backfire if not holistically thought through and understood. “Manifesto for a Moral Revolution” bursts with inspirational stories of social impact ventures that took the hard out and figured out how to have a tangible impact on the ground.

5 — Natural Capitalism

by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, Hunter Lovins

“Natural Capitalism” explores how to transform our current system of business to become environmentally viable and sustainable. It is packed with practical examples and inspiration that can help guide thinking and inspire action toward a more sustainable economy.

6 — Systems Thinking For Social Change

by David Peter Stroh

Social systems are incredibly complex and hard to understand. Look beneath the surface of a problem into the 2nd and 3rd order problems, as well as causes and blockers, and the amount of work is sheer endless. Yet, this is where systems theory and systems thinking can help us identify the most impactful root causes and design interventions that, when stacked together, can have a tangible impact.

7 — The Circular Economy

by Walter R. Stahel

Circularity and circular economy are popular words these days, yet are never well defined or understood. “The Circular Economy” is a very practical guidebook and goes into enormous detail to help readers understand and think through circularity. It is by no means an easy read, yet it will have a tangible impact on a business if applied.

8 — The Good Ancestor

by Roman Krznaric

We are but a piece in the long chain of ancestry spanning human history today and far into the future. Appreciating our place in this chain is not easy, as relating to future people is incredibly hard. “The Good Ancestor” is a fantastic exploration of what it means to be an ancestor, how to put future generations into our thinking and practice, and what you can do to be a good ancestor.

MING Labs is a leading digital business builder located in Berlin, Munich, New York City, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Singapore. We guide clients in designing their businesses for the future, ensuring they are leaders in the field of innovation.

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Related Reading: 8 Books To Finish The Year Strong

Looking for more books to get inspired by? Here’s a compilation of 8 impactful reads across a broad range across various topics — yet the themes of change and transformation connect them all.




We are a leading digital business builder located in Munich, Berlin, Singapore, Shanghai, and Suzhou. For more information visit us at www.minglabs.com