A Day In The Life Of A People & Organization Coordinator

We checked in with our P&O Coordinator Elitsa to see what she’s up to and how her work has adapted to the ‘new normal’.



Hi! I am Elitsa, a People & Organization Coordinator at MING Labs in Berlin.

If I had to explain what a typical working day looks like for me, I’d say that my work focuses mainly on Talent Acquisition, and I’m lucky to work cross-continental and cross-functional with my colleagues, ensuring that WFH works well for everyone at MING.

8:30 am: Rise & Shine! ☀️

I love to start my day with a morning yoga routine at home to get energized for the day. Starting the day active puts me already in a good mood for the day.

9:30 am: Breakfast time 🍳

A perk of working from home is definitely saving the time I usually take to commute. Now, I enjoy having a nice and slow breakfast with my flatmates. I usually go for a smoothie bowl!

10:00 am: Managing Recruitment Inquiries 👩🏻‍💻

My tasks vary from day to day, but today I start by collaborating with our Project Lead Jason from Singapore. Lately, I’m working a lot with the Singapore team as we’re hiring for many different positions there. Due to the time zone difference, my mornings are usually dedicated to Asia. We receive a lot of emails regarding recruitment requests for opportunities across our MING locations, and I use the morning to get organized: scheduling interviews, contacting hiring managers and candidates, etc.

I really like the fact that WFH actually brought the teams closer together, especially in a global sense. We are collaborating cross-continent more than ever now.

11:30 am: Global MING-ling 👥

As an initiative to connect in different and also more flexible ways within our WFH setup, we introduced our Global MING-ling. This company-wide approach randomly matches 2 people to make sure that all MINGions have the opportunity to connect, further than just with internal project teams or only the people from their geographic location. I had a coffee chat with our PM Raya from Shanghai where we shared about our lives in Berlin and in Shanghai — a great opportunity to get to know each other!

As we believe this new global interconnectivity is going to be the new normal, we want to promote it as much as we can.

12:00 pm: Onboarding Preparation For Our New Joiner 📑

We have a new Senior UX Designer joining the Munich team and I am preparing her onboarding schedule for the first couple of months. I coordinate with the team to make sure the newbie gets introduced to all the different departments, and I set up some 1:1s for her to meet the global team. I make sure to support with the networking which is now a bit more difficult when happening remotely.

2:00 pm: Lunch Break 🍝

Now that I’m not in the office, I use the Spanish lunch time haha! What I like about WHF is the chance to cook for yourself every day. It gives you flexibility in many ways. Today I’m having pasta!

2:30 pm: Interviewing Candidates 🗣

After spending my mornings focused on our positions in Asia, my afternoons are usually blocked for the European candidates and positions. We’re currently hiring, so there are lots of interviews coming up, where I’m also handling the preparation and follow-ups. I’m looking forward to having new faces on board at MING soon!

4:00 pm: Aligning With The P&O Director 📞

I have two weekly 1:1s with our Global P&O Director Christine where we update each other on all P&O topics, set priorities and to-dos. It helps me set new goals for the coming week and clear any questions that might have come up.

4:30 pm: Time For A Short Break 🎸

In between tasks, I’m now able to get a short creative break and relax in new ways. The Ukulele is something I picked up during the start of lockdown and I like the balance that it brings to my working day. Home office provides this flexibility and enables you to figure out your own rhythm and schedule.

4:45 pm: Sourcing For Vacancies 💻

I finish the day with some sourcing for a couple of our more difficult urgent vacancies. Here, I reach out to potential candidates proactively, and try to schedule a first introduction session.

6:00 pm: Remote Apero 🍷

I join a team video call with a glass of wine or two to round out the day, making up for the fact that we’re all at home. We can now also combine the Berlin and Munich teams together, making it an even more fun session with everyone involved! While we all enjoy these chats, we’re already looking forward to doing this in person one day again!

Elitsa Stefanova is a P&O Coordinator at MING Labs.

MING Labs is a leading digital business builder located in Berlin, Munich, New York City, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Singapore. We guide clients in designing their businesses for the future, ensuring they are leaders in the field of innovation.

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We are a leading digital business builder located in Munich, Berlin, Singapore, Shanghai, and Suzhou. For more information visit us at www.minglabs.com