Healthcare UX in the Era of Generative AI

When Nui Care wanted to redefine its app in a post-Chat-GPT landscape, our ambition was to offer unprecedented support to caregivers. We harnessed the potential of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to craft a cutting-edge customised user experience. Many talks, webinars, and a UX design award later, we are proud to share the journey with you.

5 min readApr 29, 2024


The Challenge

Nui Care is a company that aims to ease personal caregiving in Germany. Their app helps caregivers with just this by managing and streamlining their tasks efficiently, especially when dealing with the complicated world of German health insurance. When first introduced to the Nui team, we were struck by the service and its potential for further innovation. Making painful experiences pain-free is our sweet spot, so we were eager to take on such a worthy challenge.

The Nui team was looking for a full relaunch of their service and wanted to transform the app to accommodate a backlog of new features. As our team dug deeper into the challenges of elderly care, an area dense with bureaucracy and medical and organisational complexities, it was clear that Generative AI (GenAI) could be a game-changer for Nui — delivering highly personalised experiences that adjust to users’ varied needs.

Embarking on this project, we aimed to leverage AI not just as a tool but as a foundation for creating adaptable solutions. This goal introduced new challenges, especially with the prominent integration of data science into our workflow. By streamlining our processes, we ensured a collaborative environment, paving the way for a project that was as ambitious in its technological integration as it was grounded in addressing real-world complexities.

The Process

During the six-week proof-of-concept (PoC) phase, we condensed 30 ideas into a coherent vision, progressing from ideation to prototyping for internal review. Refining through testing led to the creation of two final prototypes. The app onboarding flow utilises conversational AI for straightforward profile setup, offering personalised interactions based on the user’s profile and historical data.

To power this experience, we utilised an approach known as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is increasingly common as the go-to technique for combining the strengths of retrieval- and generative-based AI models (such as LLMs). In this instance it allowed us to combine the strengths of GPT3.5-turbo with a robust mechanic for reliably recalling information from both the user and complicated insurance documentation.

Following a successful technical & experiential PoC phase, with the LLM use case proven to key stakeholders, we were able to move into a more traditional agile development process, including continuous user testing & QA. The overall design, data & development building process lasted six months until final handover of files and codebase.

While we had many joyful moments along the way, the aha-moment was the close of our proof of concept phase. We worked for 6 weeks to test both clickable prototypes and code-based demos prepared by the data science team with real Nui customers. Through this process we were able to develop a product vision, where generative AI conducts the information flow, thus allowing us to provide a truly hyper-personalised experience for our users. As we all sat around the table and reviewed our findings, excitement started to build and we used that positive energy to drive us to the finish line.

– Miles Johnson, AI Experience Lead


In collaboration with Nui Care’s product leaders, strategists, designers, and developers, our work on the Nui Care app was honoured with a UX Design Award 2024 in the Product category, a testament to our craft and determination to create an impactful solution for caregivers 🥳

“Nui Care Redesign & AI Enablement” presents a forward-thinking approach to the complex, emotional, and cost-intensive topic of caregiving. The integration of AI for a customised user experience sets the app apart in the care sector and underlines the potential of this technology to provide support in ageing societies. The holistic design approach covers various caregiver challenges, demonstrating an impressive depth in functionality. Additionally, the thorough and empathetic user engagement in the design process enhances its potential for genuine social impact.

– Kathrin Eichhorn and Tae-Young Kang from UX Design Awards

The Future of Caregiving

Looking forward, the challenge of providing care at home is set to intensify, impacting all of us. We envision Nui evolving into a pioneering digital service, with generative AI at its core, transitioning from a reactive tool to a proactive problem solver for its users. Nui empowers caregivers to manage their responsibilities effectively, ensuring quality care at home while preserving their well-being.

As we continue to explore AI’s potential in enhancing user experiences, we hope that the Nui Care app can act as an example of what can be achieved when technology is applied with empathy and understanding at its heart.

It’s been a journey of true collaboration and trust, crafting our GenAI experience for caretaking. A huge shoutout to everyone at MING Labs and NUI for pouring their hearts into this. We’re thrilled to see how our solution will empower caretakers, making their important work a bit easier. Here’s to making a meaningful impact together! 🌱

– Marc Seefelder, Chief Creative Officer at MING Labs

Thanks for the fantastic ride with an awesome sparring partner! Helping us continue to improve the lives of family caregivers who work tirelessly every day. Let’s strive to enhance their lives and provide meaningful support.

– Shilu Mistry, Chief Product Officer at Nui Care

Curious on genAI and wondering how to apply it to your business? Discover curated use cases in your field and beyond here

Key Project team:
Marc Seefelder, CCO @ MING Labs
Miles Johnson, AI Experience Lead @ MING Labs
Verena Kreil, Sr. UX Designer @ MING Labs
Nina Valkanova, Design Director @ MING Labs
Katharina Jockenhöfer, Sr. Project Manager @ MING Labs

Sindre Rydhard, Jr. Marketing Manager @ MING Labs
William Marks, Global Director @ MING Labs




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