The Sophisticated Investor’s Guide to Mingo’s Pre-sale

Mingo - Ken Anderson
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2017

Projections to gain users seems to be heavily based on Xunison’s ability to convince its user base to use MGC in replace of FIAT. Will this be possible?

Yes. While it’s not simple, the benefits to Xunison for implementing Mingo outweigh the difficulties of maintaining the current arrangement with customers. Mingo solves billing, forex, revenue recognition and customer support issues for Xunison — a significant cash saving which can be used to soften any adoption difficulties.

Furthermore, as the services that Xunison provide are very high margin, there is significant room to still make profit, and incentivize customers to transition.

How do you think an unstable price would affect this?

We have been very deliberate in the design and economics of MGC to ensure we minimize the risk of extremely volatile pricing. For example:

  • all pre-sale contributions are vested for 6 months — there can not be a dump on launch of the coin.
  • founders and team are vested over 4 years.
  • sensible pricing of pre-sale and ICO tokens, along with a consistent introduction of users to MGC, should ensure a steady rise in the value of MGC.

There will be a steady inflationary pressure on the value of MGC which should make customers more comfortable in holding MGC, and then paying with it. With a rising price, there is more chance they are to gain than lose in volatility.

We should also remember that very large multi-national enterprises are used to dealing with much more volatile currencies than the dollar or euro, so managing currency risk is something built-in to their daily operations. Any increase in volatility is offset by the reduced risk in the reduction of currencies to manage.

It is also worth noting the Xunison is free to change the price it charges customers in MGC; there will of course be flexibility as customers adopt it.

Is there a signed contract with Xunison?

Yes, and for substantial investments please reach out directly to if you would like to see a copy of the document.

Who is developing the coin — are they in-house or contract?

In-house, but fully committed and shareholders.

Who is the dev team and who is full time?

Ken is the CTO and Ryan is the Lead Engineer. Their team is in northern California.

There is also a team in Ireland working on the project.

Everyone working on Mingo will be full-time.

Why an €8 million hardcap for pre-sale?

We only need €2 million to achieve the base goals we are looking to achieve ahead of the ICO. Given the experience and ambition of the team we set the hardcap higher at €8 million due to our confidence in their ability to deploy capital efficiently for the benefit of all contributors. This includes scaling out the development efforts to accelerate the roadmap progress, allocating additional legal funds to help with regulatory compliance, and performing redundant security audits to build further confidence in the project.

When you launch the ICO will there be a tiered system and if so what discount levels?

The intention at this point is to run a pre-registration for the ICO. Only those who have pre-registered will be able to participate. We will offer all tokens equally to those registered to ensure the widest and most equal distribution of tokens.

Any not taken by those registered will fall into a second round and will, again, be equally distributed. On the third day, any remaining tokens will be offered openly to those that contribute first.

As it stands, there is no intention to discount the ICO price. However, given that the waters move quickly in this world, we believe it is in the best interests of all contributors that we make the exact decision nearer the launch of the ICO.

Marketing in crypto is now nearly as important as the product and as such whats the marketing plan for the project?

We will continue to rely on the strength of the team which is its ability to form partnerships. There are numerous partnerships in the pipeline with some of the biggest brands in the world. Specifically, we’ve recently announced Niall Horan’s support of the MingoMessenger. As a brand ambassador he will drive general adoption of Mingo.

We also have a user reward pool that will be issued to incentivise referral behaviour and adoption.

Where will the coin be listed?

As all experienced ICO contributors understand, there is normally no ability to guarantee that a coin will be tradable on an exchange from this early on in the process.

However, in this case we can already confirm that MGC holders that are not under a vesting schedule will be able to sell coins from the launch day. This is because of our partnership with CYFX, which we will expand on in a further post.

We completely understand the need to get MGC on other exchanges and are in conversations with many of the important ones. As is standard, it is improper for us to reveal anything until we are certain it will occur — but expect further information on exchanges as we build up to our ICO.

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Mingo - Ken Anderson

Consulting Chief Technologist of Mingo. Serial Entrepreneur. 15+ year software engineer and architect.