Dear Loki

Birthday Special

Mini Mailer
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


Source: Pinterest

Dear Loki,

I hate you, Damn, I hate you for what you are. And trust me, I know you are smiling while reading this. Because that's what you are! A cold-hearted God of Mischief. But I am not here to curse you. Because by now, you have figured out why you do all these things. I love when villain goes through existential crisis, because it shows the mirror. And that's what happened when you saw your own mother getting stabbed in her back by someone. And I can't help but feel sorry for you.

That tear in yours eyes, when you saw the file of Ragnarök, that realization moment was priceless. That affection towards someone other than your pride and power. I think that's what Thor wanted to look at you as a brother, and that's why he trusted you. Thor knew that a part of you was still there, that can be called as a human, and that's what Möbius saw in you and assigned you for this job. He gave you a second chance, and you proved him right, well may be to some extent.

As long as I know you, as a marvel fan. Some deep wisdom like "Love is a dagger" and" No good remains good, and no bad remains bad" these words made me uneasy coming from your mouth. These things are might be a result of redemption that you are seeking for every mishap you have done so far.

And then I realize the real face behind that Mischievous God, there is a brother, a son and a friend who is afraid to be left alone. And when you met Silvie you realize that void filled, and it came out when you were struck in that prison time world. I haven't seen you smiling the way you smiled while looking at her. It was like finally you have got your meaning of life, apart from making Chaos for others.

This change was important and this whole TVA thing just showed you a mirror. Wanda became Scarlet Witch, Falcon became Captain Falcon, but you Loki, you became a better version of yourself. And in real life, we all should hustle to become a better varient of ourselves.

You're Not So Shy,



Mini Mailer

An Introvert trying to pen down his thoughts on a platform. In the form of open letters , poems , etc.