Dear 24/7

I appreciate every second of you

Faith Stories
Mini Mailer


Dear 24/7,

The other day, my best friend and I were at a beach that had a playground. Tuckered out from running around playing tag, building sandcastles, and going down the slides, we decided to rest on the swings for a bit.

As we rocked back and forth under the sunset, my friend looked at me and asked, “Why are we here?”

I decided to tell her all about you but with a musical twist:

Ria, I don’t think it’s all that complicated. I believe we are here to listen to the morning tunes of the birds.

Just watch them splash around in the puddles with no care in the world. We’re here to appreciate the sounds of nature, as it fills us with peace and serenity.

We’re here to scream in excitement whenever we hear upbeat songs playing on the radio. We’re here to belt out the lyrics to our favourite songs without worrying if the pitch is off.

Fully live in the present moment and not stress about any voice cracks and note mess-ups that happened in the past.

We’re here to experience that stage fright that comes before a big performance, those feelings of excitement and nerves.

We’re here to see the reassuring smiles in the crowd and forget all about the…

