Dear Bookstore,

Time for a therapeutic walk.

Faith Stories
Mini Mailer


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I gently push open your dark brown wooden doors and come face to face with a scene that one would call book paradise.

My heart skips a beat as I breathe in your sight. Colourful books rest neatly on the shelves, modern lights hang from the ceiling, and the blended scent of new books and essential oils linger in the air.

Oh, how I wish I could be you:

You house the best of the best collections, ranging from self-help to romance. Top-notch publishing houses like Penguin Random House fill your shelves. You carry prestigious books fonts like Garamond and Baskerville. You welcome books in all genres, sizes and languages too.

Oh, how I wish I could be like you.

Alas, you’re a store that expects me to purchase and get on my way, so I’ll keep on wandering through your aisles till I find the right book to take home.

It’s not every day that I leave the comforts of my local library to purchase a book from you, but your aesthetic was hard to avoid, and there’s nothing like highlighting and scribbling in a book that I can call mine.

