Dear Clock

You teach me time management

A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
Mini Mailer
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2021


Photo by RODOLFO BARRETO on Unsplash

I know, I know. Don’t roll your eyes (or hands probably?) at me. I do remember calling your aide the most hated object in the world. But hear me out this time, okay? Haha! This time? See, I can’t even write a sentence without using you. So we’re kinda inseparable, right?

As much as I dismiss (or dislike?) you, I have to admit that there is truth in the saying Time is money. Now, before you go all I told you so on me, let me also remind you that nobody likes a know-it-all. So, spare the lecture and save us both some time.

Now, moving on to adding some more words of praise to boost your ego. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being present everywhere.

From the wall in my bedroom and office to being an accessory on my wrist. As if you couldn’t have enough of me already (I can feel those eyes rolling again), you also made your way into my life through all possible devices I have access to, right from my phone to my laptop and even my iPad to my television screen as well.

Everywhere I look, I can’t miss looking at you.

With every glance your way, I remember something important. Right from waking up, to having my meals. And from sticking to my daily schedules and tasks to finally ensuring that I get enough…

