Dear Diary

Sweetest Escape; Best Secret Keeper

Ananna Dristy
Mini Mailer
2 min readJun 18, 2021


Wallpaper Flare

I have written pages-after-pages about all the things that have gone through my life. But never did I spend a little ink on you. Truth to speak, that’s what happens with someone whom we love so dearly. We never get the courage to tell how much we adore, love, and respect the person without whom we can not think of living. My father has never said ‘ love you ’ to my mother, but she always hears it. I hope you hear that too, diary.

I always wonder what I would have been in my life without you. How would I have dealt with my issues and fight with my loneliness without you being there for me? For me, you are not just some bundle of papers. You are like a complete person who is patient enough to listen to all of my blabbering, rambling, and chatters with no judgments. You were the light in my loneliness. That’s why I was never alone after you had come into my life. Many a time, you were the one who took me out of the labyrinth of my messed-up life; You witnessed my tears, my depression, and my deepest fears; You were with me in every happiness, in every success. You have been there for me, whether I was withering in ultimate darkness or dancing my hearts out in merriment. You are like a soul to me, not leaving my side even for a second.

When the world seemed way too rude and everything turning against me, I searched for an escape. And that escape I achieved through you. Had it not been you, I can’t imagine how much worse I would have been. You are my rock and my true self — where I can’t but be myself. With you, I don’t have to pretend. I can let every burden out I am bearing; vent my anger and frustrations out with no thought. You are a closet where all my darkest secrets are safely stored.

A letter would never be enough to describe how blessed I am to have you in my life. God has been kind enough to me by bringing you into my life. Thank you for being the most prized possession in my life.

Your forever debtor,



Ananna Dristy
Mini Mailer

I don't pretend to be someone I am not because I am good at being me.