Mini Mailer
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2022


Dear Ego,

You have driven most of the relationships to their end. You are the reason why people are depressed and stressed….

The way our ego works is a calculated phenomenon that goes like this: when we like someone, our mind creates a fake personality to convey a message to our hearts on how good and kind that person is, but what if it isn't the truth? What if it doesn't fulfil our expectations. Let me tell you, our heartbreaks.

Then it creates a hurricane of hate around our hearts about that person. No doubt how wrong we are, that person will be an a$$hole for u. Sometimes you feel that it isn't necessary to care about that person, but it gets worse as time passes.

That's when you poison even a small gesture of kindness, by dissolving it in the so-called hurricane created by our mind. And thus, the destruction began. I don't understand one thing, Why is it so hard for us to forgive? Why can't we keep aside a few differences and move on?

There is a problem with me…that I can't hate someone for too long. It's easy for the other person to break me. I don't know should I call it my strength or my weakness. I will let you decide.

Right now this world needs love, kindness and emotional support. Because if we failed here and now, then we might fail as human beings.

Yours not so shyly,
An introvert



Mini Mailer

An Introvert trying to pen down his thoughts on a platform. In the form of open letters , poems , etc.