Dear Gratitude

You give more than you take

Rachella Angel Page
Mini Mailer
2 min readJul 9, 2021


Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

You have been a special part of my life for so long that I don’t remember a specific time that I started using you.

I love the time that we’ve spent together. I’ve enjoyed expressing you in photos, written lists, and simple prayers.

I’ve worked on lists of you: a 1,000 things list that I’m still working on. Facebook posts for 21 days. Unnumbered lists of reasons I’m grateful for X. You reminded me this past week of what I love about myself which I needed. To use your process to help myself see the positive.

My favorite challenge that we’ve done together is a 21-day photo challenge where I posted what I was grateful for daily. I need to go back into that process. To make you into a 100-day challenge using favorite methods, photos and writing, to express you.

Thank you for always being there. Ready to be embraced and to help with many different situations whether dark or light. Thank you for reminding me of the little things that are so important in life.

In honesty, as a tool for mindfulness and seeking relief, you can take your toll.

You take your toll on those hard days. In asking me to live gratefully during nights of grief, loneliness or hardship.

It’s easy to make a list of things that the Universe could be teaching me or the positives in the bad things.

It’s another to live like these positives are really true. To really be grateful for the small things and lessons when staring at obstacles or trying circumstances.

However, I know from experience that you can be experienced in any circumstance.

Despite the darker times, most of the time you give way more than you take. You remind me to stay present because regret is a tie to the past and anxiety is a tie to the future. You keep me grounded in the now. You keep me focused and remind me to stay humble when things are going well.

Gratitude- you are a way of life- through both days where I feel I have a pocket of sunshine and days when the storm clouds gather. To praise the good regardless of the situation and set my mind on the positive.



Rachella Angel Page
Mini Mailer

Lifestyle and creative non-fiction writer. Wife. Momma of two dogs: Maxwell and Lady. Obsessed with road trips, poetry and Kickstart. IG: @pagesofrachella