Dear Heart

Don’t beat so quickly!

Divya S
Mini Mailer
3 min readJul 16, 2021


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I know it is hard. The times are definitely terribly unsatisfactory. We both aren’t sure what the next moment will bring, where it will take us. It is scary. I agree.

But we will make it together.

This seems to be an endless, meaningless race, going for one thing after another. Telling you it is all for the best is probably useless because you know better than anyone that things can go wrong. And once in a while, it almost definitely will.

But it is all right.

Dreams and goals of the past burden you now. What made you flutter in happiness yesterday makes you race in fear. You want to hold on to new hopes and dreams, but you are worried if these new hopes will become your bane tomorrow. The past looks like a mess, and the future is bleak. Oh! What is there to possibly achieve, you may feel. What reason to exist anymore? Yes?


For there are a few sparkles in the now. You see, some of the past hopes and dreams are near fulfillment. You may not want them now, yes, you don’t feel the thrill of it. But it is here. All the things you wanted long ago are in front of you now. Do you know what that means?

Yes, the things you want now will come to you one day.

And that is precisely why there is reason in existence. We are so lost in what we have to do, in what we want, that we forget what we have. We are so lost in the messy past and the bleak future that we miss out on the present.

And who says the past is messy? What is perfect anyway? Whatever has come to pass so far is a masterpiece. Your own unique masterpiece. Why does anything else matter anyway?

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

The present is a gift. Don’t you see? It is THE GIFT. THE BOON. THE TRUMP CARD. The only thing you truly have is now. And now is simply the most powerful thing you can have.

So what is the worry for? You can’t change the past — and you don’t need to. Do you know why? Because what you are today is what your past has made you. Your past makes you the unique masterpiece you are.

And you can’t see the future, obviously!

So do what you can now. That is all you can do. And actually, that is all that matters.

If problems turn up tomorrow, worrying you, aggravating you — read this letter again!

That is all life is. One moment at a time.

It is not about being better, doing better, achieving better. Okay, sometimes, really rarely, it is.

But for the most part, it is simply about being.

Beating one beat at a time.

Now heart, certainly that’s the thing you do best, right?

Yours forever,
The one you carry forward (effortlessly, almost)

