Dear Hogwarts,

Siham Sarawat
Mini Mailer
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021
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I don’t know in reality if you exist or not, but in my imagination, you certainly do. As a Literature student and a book lover, I can feel your presence, and acquaint with throughout my University life.

My very first university, ULAB, is no less than Hogwarts for me. Even a friend of mine agrees with me. We fancy that we have learned “Wizardry of Literature” at our University.

Even faculty couldn’t help but applaud us — Upo, my friend, and me — for the in-depth comparison of our University to Hogwarts.

I wore the “Thinking Hat” as soon as I entered my University. I say, the automation section choice by the computer was like a “Thinking Hat”. Being in the section of my “Dream Professor” was like being in Gryffindor for me. My Dream Professor is like Albus Dumbledore. My visits to his chamber felt like Harry’s to Dumbledore. Just like Harry, I had a pre-connection with “My Professor Dumbledore.”

I compare the lobby of my university to “Platform 9 ¾”, and the lift is our very own “Hogwarts Express “- our dear express train. The cafeteria was like your large dining hall. I still hear the echoes of our laughter in the ears of my heart, where I treasure those moments forever. You may laugh at my comparisons, but trust me, it was like that.

To your astonishment, I also had someone like Hagrid. A big old man who was close to my heart. My Advisor. Whenever I got into any kind of academic trouble, I ran into my “Adviser Hagrid’s” chamber.

In my case, Professor McGonagall is male. Since, just like my “Dream Professor Dumbledore” I had a pre-connection with him, he turned out to be my Prof. McGonagall.

During classes, he mocked about different things and is a genius at dark humor. It is this professor with whom me and my friend Upo, have practiced the “Wizardry of Literature”.

Before I end my letter, I would like to share another of my connections with a professor who was like Sirius to me and also to a dear friend of mine. This letter would be incomplete if I don’t share this. Just for three months, a professor came from America. The personality he possesses is so similar to Sirius Black. A blessing for me and my friend. We got to learn many life lessons from him. When he left, we first felt it as a betrayal, but we then realized he was our secret keeper. Because, even today he occasionally turns up, like an angel, and enlightens us.

Life may not be the same as before, but the memories will remain as long as the sun shines.

Yours Ever and ever,



Siham Sarawat
Mini Mailer

A writer, who thinks with no barriers and writes with heart and soul.