Dear Home

The happiest place on Earth.

Vivian Stevenson
Mini Mailer
2 min readDec 28, 2021


A picture of a livingroom. Wooden side table with a plant in a pot, a remote, a lamp, and a candle on it. Next to the table is an out-of-focus couch with patterned throw pillows.
Photo by Lisa from Pexels

It’s not goodbye but see you later.

Dear home,

I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much. Life has gotten in the way, but I’m sure you understand. You always have.

I long for the day I’m able to return to you. The day I’m able to kick off my shoes, relax in the recliner, and watch television with the people I love the most.

A little birdie told me that belly laughs, bear hugs, and tasty food is waiting patiently for me. The slices of life that make me grin ear-to-ear.

I yearn for the sunrises over the lake, sitting in my car filled with peaceful silence. Exciting drives around the tiny town — windows down with music blasting and visits with friends who have been faithful to me regardless of location.

I know they say happiness comes from within, but I like to think you’re the exception. You’re the light that shines the brightest when I’m feeling dim. You know how to bring me back to reality.

I like to think that you’re excited to see me, too! Until we’re able to meet again, I’d like to update you on what’s been happening.

I adopted an orange tabby cat named Phineas, who terrorizes every aspect of my life, but he redeems himself by lending out his love when I need it the most. I’ve lived in a new apartment for about five months now, and although it’s not home, it’s my safe space for the time being. I’ve surpassed the four-year mark at my job, and I’m excited to make my way to five. I also have some of the best friends I could ever ask for, helping me every step of the way.

I hope you’re doing well while I’m not there. I’m happy that you’ll always be there when I get back. I wish you the best of luck with all the other folks who get to call you home.

With all the love,
A homesick soul



Vivian Stevenson
Mini Mailer

An avid reader who dabbles in art and baking along the way.