Dear Identity

Can we be “just” friends?

Raji Pillay
Mini Mailer


Dear Identity,

I have been meaning to have this conversation with you for a while now. Let’s just say, I am not convinced you are entirely good for me. Did I form you or do you make me? My attachment to you is so strong that I can’t seem to let go of you. It is bordering on ‘unhealthy’.

Our relationship is a contradiction of sorts. I want to be friends with you, but don't want to be in a committed relationship. There I said it.

It’s reassuring how you make me believe I am smart and intelligent. This confidence in me is what keeps me going and exploring life. Sometimes just sometimes I think this praise makes me cling to you too much. I find it hard to not be smart. Can I confess something? I think I avoid situations and actions that will make me seem less smart!!!

James Clear in his book “Atomic Habits” said we fight tooth and nail to protect who we believe we are. Wow. And this is not good for my growth. I get paralyzed with fear of not coming across as oh-so-smart and as a result, won’t take action. I am done. We need to part ways.

The more I associate with you, the more I am limiting myself. I have this one life and I want to be everything I can be. A fixed mindset is not my goal. I want to evolve or at least attempt to evolve. Isn’t it worth a…



Raji Pillay
Mini Mailer

I bring my love for books, coffee, technology and life in general to my writing. Blockchain has caught my fancy and I am exploring it as I write.