Dear Lavender Field

Rana's Words
Mini Mailer
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2022

You are a breathtaking sea of purple, swaying gently with the wind at an entrancing pace.

Photo by Antony BEC on Unsplash

The way you compliment the sunset sky sets an artistic masterpiece. The pink glow of the canvas above going hand in hand with your lilac and purple hues of acres of land bless us with a truly dazzling image for the eyes to capture. Your blades of lavender grinned brightly at your audience of people, welcoming them to stroll through your field in astonishment and awe.

The more time people spent in your field, the more relaxed they felt themselves become. Their noses inhaled your richly sweet scent as though they’ve been deprived of air for so long. They gulped waves of your lavish lavender scent greedily, wanting more and more. Sweet lavender field, you are an escape from the reality of the noisy cities and the smoggy skies. You are the bridge between the land of dreams and the land of living. You give us the opportunity to dream while being awake, to step into an enchanting setting which we thought only existed in fantasies. Your blades of lavender tickles our fingertips as we eagerly yet delicately touch them as we meandered through. Your fragrant scent is released in puffs of perfume into the air around us as we walked along, entrapping us with our will into a cloud of heaven.

Our eyes basked in the glory of your effortlessly elegant existence. Our noses twitched as they inhaled the overwhelming aroma of your flourishing fragrance. Our fingertips sent soothing sensory waves as they touched the purple flowers. Our ears perked up at the entrancing stillness of noise, with the occasional chirps of birds in the distance.

You are beyond being beguilingly beautiful, lavender field. You are truly magical, and may you never lose that enchanting power of forcing us to slow down and admire your magnificence.



Rana's Words
Mini Mailer

There's infinite beauty in the countless worlds of fiction.