Dear Little Things (not the SHOW)

To all those beautiful little things, we often forget to take a moment to appreciate.

Sushritha Danturi
Mini Mailer
3 min readJun 23, 2021


“I love the way these string lights bring joy into my life. Like some stars in my little world.” — Sushritha, PC:@sushrithadanturi
Image by Author

Dear Little things,

The nights when I was diving into the depths of my restlessness, you come to offer your shoulder to cry on, showing me the clear sky after heavy rain. You tell me about the clear sky because you know that I need to vent out all of my pain. The moments when I lost all my hope to move forward, you taught me about taking a step at a time. Achieving those little goals seemed like I can do anything in my life, that now no one can stop me from fulfilling my dreams. You proved that to be happy, I do not need anything grand.

You, the little things, are the reason for my happiness, for my silly smiles during the toughest of times in my life. You come to me in the form of texts of reassurance from my friends, those who I thought doesn’t care about me. You come to me in the form of ice creams, so I could enjoy the company of my siblings without anything weighing on my back. You made sure that I was Okay when you were there with me.

Those little pecks on my cheeks from my little brother, the happiness when a child does not want to leave you, the fairy lights in my room, the books (written and to be written ones), clouds, plants, birds. Photo albums, galleries, a cute video of a puppy, watching people appreciating each other, reading something for the first time and going awe for the writer. Stationery, good hair days, getting back a book borrowed by a friend, cheating in a game(not being a victim). The satisfaction while quenching your thirst or emptying your bladder after a long time. Oh, the list goes on. You made your presence in my life and made it a happy one.

I think about you. Mainly during the times when I’m not myself when I’m in pain. Sometimes you just don’t show up, maybe because you have other commitments. I understand that I cannot blame you. But those are the times I miss you the most. Not because you lead happiness into my life, but because you bring me solace, the assurance that everything falls in place, just it’s a matter of time. I will find you in my days of gloom and in my days of glee. Sometimes I don’t. Just I need to practice the art of seeing and listening.
I thank you for all your love for me. I really appreciate it. I do not know what I would have been without you in my life. You taught me the joy of being kind, taught me the delight of being silly, being a child, being me and enjoying all those little moments you made special. I’m grateful for all the things you taught me, for all the change you brought into my life.

If there is a chance to repay you, I would be glad to do so by teaching the world, importance of you in our lives. And I’m creating that chance every day in my life. Because I love you, and I can’t stop loving you.

“The love I think I have, the love I think I want, the love I think I need to spread is all the love you brought into my little world.” — Sushritha Danturi

Forever indebted to your kindness,
with love,
Sushritha Danturi



Sushritha Danturi
Mini Mailer

22 | Graduate | Writes-musings, hues| Hufflepuff | Magic and fantasies over reality | A work in progress | Complicated |