Dear Molly and Grey,

Thank you for the way you look at me

Fatima Martinez
Mini Mailer
3 min readNov 18, 2021


Molly and Grey. Picture by Fatima Martinez

It’s as simple as opening a door for you two to come and make the day better. I only get to have you when my brother and his wife are out of town, but yet I enjoy my responsibility to keep you clean, entertained, and fed every day.

You two love my silly voice when I play with you and I don’t recognize myself with all the different jingles I come up with when I play with you.

As I watch you prowling around my office, I wish you could understand the sense of companionship I feel when you’re here, even when all you want to do is sleep and you couldn’t care if I’m around or not. But just to see you lying on the floor wakes the feeling of protection in me.

All you want to do is to lick my hand or my arm, that’s something I’ve never understood of your behaving, and I wish I had the energy you want to run around the patio and watch you run towards me, with a smile on your face.

I’ve known you since 2015, then Grey lost her sight, and I thought she would change, I thought she wouldn’t be the dummy one, overthinking every step she took. It was hilarious to see you climbing the stairs and all the time you hesitate about it. I guess I was projecting, I’m also a dummy and an overthinker. But Grey, you keep being the same dog I met back then, you don’t run as faster but you still smile and now we get to see how smart you are as you memorize a new place within minutes.

Grey by Fatima Martinez

We thought that with Grey being blind Molly would take another role to protect Grey but it’s all the same. Molly, you keep ignoring Grey and want all the attention to yourself, which I’m more than willing to do so.

I know how much you hate that I pick you both up, but I can’t help it, I want to hug you every minute of the day, although I don’t do it often because I recognize that noise you make when you’re in my arms.

Still, it makes me happy to see you both walking around the house and see how you wag your tail.

I still have a week to enjoy your company in my house, so thank you for the way you look at me, to make me feel useful and a happiness provider to both of you.

I love you both,


P.S: Grey, stop licking my foot.



Fatima Martinez
Mini Mailer

Mexican fashion designer, sustainability lover, learner; I enjoy to write about fashion and dreams, and I love my morning coffee and my skin care routine.