Dear Potatoes

An homage to your starchy goodness

Brina Patel
Mini Mailer


Photo by Lars Blankers on Unsplash

Bataka. Papa. Aloo. Tater.

It doesn’t matter what each language calls you. You are universally loved. Your carbohydrate and micronutrient-rich composition nourishes the world — from the arid climates of Sub-Saharan Africa to the frigid locales of North America. People enjoy you in industrialized nations and developing countries alike. No matter how different we humans claim to be as a species, you are a point of proof that we’re one and the same.

As I look back on my life, you’ve been a constant. I smothered you in ketchup when you were served as hash browns from my local diner. I ate you with roti when my grandmother made shak out of you. I mixed you in with rice when you came in a steaming bowl of Thai curry. The memories I associate you with are priceless.

Now, imagine my delight when I discovered how many of you there are. Purple. Yukon. Sweet. Fingerling. And, of course, the classic Russet. I can’t think of a grocery list that hasn’t included you in some shape or form. Right there at the top, where you rightfully belong.

Your versatility is what I love about you the most. There’s your mashed form — a Thanksgiving staple. There’s your fried form — a not-so-guilty pleasure of millions globally. But there’s also your baked form — delicious with a dollop of…



Brina Patel
Mini Mailer

Californian passionate about travel, creativity, & mental health | Bylines: Insider, Well+Good, Popsugar, etc. 💌