Dear Reader

A message to the readers

Henry Jo
Mini Mailer


Source of Image: iStock Photos, created by filadendron,

I have a question for you, dear reader.

What is your purpose? And no, I’m not talking about the purpose of life, a question for another day.

Why do you write here on Medium?

There are two types of writers here on this platform, and I love the works of each of them equally.

However, it helps to figure out which side you stand on as it will help you grow as both a person and a writer, thus elevating the ceiling of your content.

Do you write so that you can support yourself with the best of your talents? Do you write because it is a source of income? Does it make you happy to see money flowing in?

Or, do you write because it is a passion? Do you write because you love to see both the feedback and comments that other people have left because they feel they can confide in your writing? Is it making you happy to see followers rolling in?

This is a question that can’t be answered right away, and that’s perfectly fine. There’s no right answer to this question, regardless of what side you feel more attracted to. There’s also no reason to feel ashamed for backing one of the two sides, as we are all just trying to make it as writers on Medium and we have no right to judge your intentions as we are not you.



Henry Jo
Mini Mailer

Freelance Sports Writer I Lead Editor and Creator of the Gameday Gazette