Dear Red Roses

In response to February Prompt: Dear Roses

Sujona Chatterjee
Mini Mailer


Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash

Dear Red Roses,

How can I not look at you?
When you are freshly lit with drops of water.
If only you knew what you do to me,
But some things must be hidden from the world.

My pupils dilate,
And my thoughts go crazy,
Isn’t that what love does too?
You cannot think straight,
And your heart does a race,
With no finish line set in place.

Your soft texture,
With thorns giving a reminder,
That love pricks,
And is not always a smooth ride.
We must be careful and forgiving,
And never let our egos blind us,
From seeing the goodness that love can provide.

As you shine so brightly,
On a Valentine’s Day morning.
I must pick a bunch of you lovelies,
For nothing but to pamper myself.

Your mystifying red,
Adds colour to my life’s canvas,
Giving me hope,
That not all is dull and disappointing.

And so, as I hold you in my arms,
While people assume I am lucky in love.
If only they knew,
I fell in love with you,
When you called out to me,
To remind me to love myself first.

Yours truly,
A fan of red roses.

Thank you Vashni Stories for this timely prompt.

I added a reminder to buy roses on the day of love for myself thanks to this prompt. :)

Thanks so much for your time!



Sujona Chatterjee
Mini Mailer

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.