Dear Sirius Black — You Taught Me That Good People Can Have Bad Thoughts

We spent so little time with you, and yet we learnt so much from you.

Sujona Chatterjee
Mini Mailer
3 min readJul 27, 2021


Dear Sirius,

Life is just like the waves of the sea. Sometimes high during good times and occasionally low during devastating times. Humans have a tirade of emotions, and these emotions result from our thoughts.

When you explained to Harry that bad things happen to good people but what defines us is what we choose, I realised that good people could have evil thoughts.

But that doesn’t make us wrong. That is just a natural response to our circumstances. What differentiates us from the bad is what we ultimately choose to believe and our resulting actions.

No Matter How Difficult It Gets — Always Stand for What Is Right

Despite being locked up for so many years in Azkaban, you remained good. No, I am sure it wasn’t easy as Azkaban is not just a mere prison. It has the capability of driving people insane. But because you believed in your proper actions, that moral conscience in you survived.

This taught me that no matter how difficult a situation, what helps us overcome it is our patience and decision to do the right thing even if it causes more pain than we are feeling right now. What happens in the process is that we emerge stronger, and we realise that every storm does pass if only we are patient enough to hold our grit through the worst.

More than a Godfather, you were the best friend Harry could ever ask for. In life, we too meet people who are far more experienced than us. We look up to them and ask for their advice. However, over time we develop a close bonding with our mentors, and some turn out to be the most intimate friends we can have. You showed us then that age does not define friendship; the mindset does. You can be sixteen or sixty; friendship has no age.

Courage Is Infectious

You take risks, and you don’t bother where it will lead. You believe that more than thinking about something, what truly works is acting. Your conviction to do right is so firm that it spreads like wildfire. Just as when Harry was so motivated by you when you wanted to fight against Voldemort.

Courage is infectious, and you are the best example one can give.

These and many more unconventional lessons are what a Godfather can teach their Godson. Parents can teach not all lessons. We all need someone with whom we can share our deepest desires without being judged. And Harry was so lucky to have someone like you.

I Miss You More

You may not be with him, but I am sure he misses you, and so do I.

Because we didn’t get to share much time with you, but whatever time we did, you spent every waking moment inspiring us in countless ways. The number one being that thoughts don’t define people. It’s what impact we leave on others.

Thank you for being you and proving to the world that every human has both light and dark side inside them. And once in a while, if their dark side emerges, instead of judging it, we can help one other live through it and step into the light together.

Yours truly,
Someone who misses you as much as Harry.

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Sujona Chatterjee
Mini Mailer

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.