Dear Time

Who are you, really?

Mini Mailer


Photo by Jiyeon Park on Unsplash

People all over the world may have different relationships with you, but ours is complicated. Amongst billions of people you interact with, I understand you might not remember me. So, let me give you a prelude.

Our relationship dates way back to my nursery days — we got introduced through the rhyme,

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock,
Merrily sings the clock.
It is time for work.
It is time for play.
So, it sings throughout the day.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock,
Merrily sings the clock.

I sang along with our teacher without really knowing its meaning. When I moved to higher standards, they showed me the circular object and told it was the clock. They taught me to read you. And that, my friend, was the real beginning of our eternal association.

Until then, at school, the school bells measured my class hours, and at home, my parents decided my playtime, study, sleep, and food times. Only when I started reading you myself, I realized it had been you who had controlled them from behind, and now your control extended to me as well.

But during those days, I was under the misconception that you are available in abundance. I never really worried about you and even considered you my friend, because you allowed me to complete everything I intended to do. However, as I grew up, you started…



Mini Mailer

Software Developer | Reader | Aspiring writer