Dear Twenties

Thank you!

Rummy Kaur
Mini Mailer


Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

I was thinking about you today. Don’t assume anything, though. Yes, I miss you sometimes but I am genuinely happy with where I am. However, credit should be given where it’s due. So, I thought to write to you and say thank you for how you shaped my life. And to tell you some of my regrets too.

I never wanted my time with you to end. You seemed to be the best thing in the world. Being with you meant making new friends, random eating,(over)enthusiasm, late-night parties, impromptu trips, solo travels — feeling anything and everything is possible. Above all, being with you meant freedom.

You helped me in making a bunch of good friends who are still my support system. You tried different things and gave me the motivation to keep doing that. You could’ve done more but if I think about it, you did plenty. How many people would leave their well-paid job, become a struggler in Bollywood and leave it all behind — then out of nowhere, get an opportunity to study in the US? How many people have the resources to buy a tennis match ticket and go on an adventure trip to Australia? You were lucky.

With you, there were a lot of insecurities too. I wish you could have cared more for your loved ones. You didn’t know then but as time passes by, you want to have those real connections intact.



Rummy Kaur
Mini Mailer

Mother of a toddler, wife, data analyst, arts administrator, writer, traveler — trying to balance it all but eager to add more to it. I write personal stories.