Dear Words,

Mini Mailer
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2023

Dear words,

It’s been long… so long since we last sat down for a cup of tea and discussed our rhyming schemes and storylines; named our characters and sketched their quirks; munched on our biscuits pondering over what title we should bestow on our latest poem.

Remember our late-night musings and secret whispers about some new idea to elaborate and write upon? You used to make a chain out of my thoughts and urge me to jump out of my bed and pen it all down at midnight. Although my sleep was all broken, there were neither complaints nor regrets.

Since the day I can remember, we have shared this particular kind of bond between us; with unrealistic ideals and eccentric behaviour. When people went out and had the time of their lives, we stayed back and had our own parties in the cozy corner of my house along with our pals; the pen which was always high and a stack of paper which always felt this emptiness deep inside. That was our kind of party and it used to be so much fun.

No matter if I was overjoyed or sad, you were always there by my side; a hand to hold on to, a shoulder to cry on. On my darkest days, you never failed to be my light, to pass on courage and hold me tighter than ever.

But when did we split tracks and lose each other? Now that I look back, I only see my own footprints on the sand; that too, frail and messy. I tried to trace you through our old pals, the pen which is now sober and the stack of paper which seems to be brimming with hope.

To say I miss you is a huge understatement. You have always been a part of me but somehow we lost touch; I lost you and myself. I hope that soon we will meet each other on the same page and rekindle our old bond, splashing some ink and staining the parchment.



