Dear World, Who Do You Learn From?

Some of the best things I learned in life I learned from children.

Annelise Lords
Mini Mailer
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2021


Image from IS iStock

Dear World,

What if all of us remembered our past mistakes when we attempt to repeat them, then don’t? Because that would mean we learn something from our errors.

I was spending the week with my three-year-old granddaughter, and she wants to see and be a part of everything I am doing. When her mom cooks, she would stand on one of her baby chairs near the stove in the kitchen and watch. Depending on what her mom is cooking, she would help to stir the pot. While making her a spinach omelet on Monday, she pulled up her chair close to the stove and watched as I cut the baby spinach very thin in a small glass bowl, after washing the leaves. Then beat two eggs and season it while the frying pan is on the stove with a splash of Sunflower oil. When I thought the pot was hot enough, I poured the mixture into it. Something hot splashed and burned her on her neck. She screamed out, getting off the chair she was standing on.

Image by Annelise Lords

I consoled her, then put some burned ointment on where she said it hurts. I saw no red mark or embellish on her skin, and…

