Dear Diana or Emma Corrin,

Anushka Prasad
Mini Mailer
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2022
Screenshot of the Netflix Show: The Crown

This might seem rather astonishing to you, so is to me. When I’m myself not clear whom, I’m addressing this letter to — Lady Diana Spencer, The Princess of Wales, or Emma Corrin who recently portrayed the royal in the Netflix series, ‘The Crown’?

Slowly, unconsciously, the episodes mirroring the life of the princess for the show, became my comfort zone. Don’t ask me how or when of it, alas! I don’t even know the why of it. As for this letter, I’m in quest with my readers, rather desperately I must admit.

Screenshot of the Netflix Show: The Crown

I didn’t grow up in a wealthy family; in fact, I belong to a humble family living in the east of India. India that looks up to the prime minister for the new rules and decorum, kings and monarchs are only the topics we learn about in school history lessons and let them be forgotten as soon as we reach home. Growing up I was the same, with a ‘tinge’ of interest in the rulers of the past; but I shrugged it off — labeling it a love for the untainted language and glamourous clothes.

Netflix’s show held my hand and walked with me to the forgotten lands of the past — mine and theirs. Watching Diana, pain-struck and heartbroken, struck a chord in my heart. I fail to distinguish the connection; I don’t have her hair, her radiance, her brilliance, nor can I articulate words as she does; but… But I find myself, in her shoes, heart overwhelmed and crack in my voice whenever I feel the need to be understood. Whenever I feel that I don’t belong to a place.

Diana and I are not similar, didn’t grow up in the same continent even, don’t have the same mother tongue, nor would we ever cross paths in the future (Thank Heavens that we won’t, or I would’ve written a letter directly to her!), but I see myself crawling in my bed, not eating, not speaking, eyes glued to my laptop screen, watching her or Corrin play her. Helpless and miserable. And then, I think of her as someone I couldn’t let go of. Someone I look up to, for reasons unfathomable and unknown.

Well, wherever you are, do know that you’re loved, both of you. And people have even found comfort in you, well, I’m feeling down, I do.

With respect,


