February Prompt: Dear Roses

Including January Prompt Round-up

Faith Stories
Mini Mailer


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Hello Posties,

Welcome to this wondrous month of love or the month when we recognize love the most. So, it’s fitting this month’s prompt has to do with roses. Red roses, yellow roses, white roses too, do any of them have significance to you?

When you think of roses, what comes to your mind?
Does anything or anyone come to mind?
Or is it simply another flower growing in the garden?

February Prompt: Dear Roses,

If you have no connection to roses whatsoever, that too is intriguing to explore. What’s the reason you resent these delicate flowers with sharp thorns? I look forward to reading your work and don’t forget to have fun!

January Prompt Round-Up

January was my first attempt at sharing a prompt and the responses I received from writers blew me away. Also, it’s never too late to join in on a prompt even if the month has passed, you never know when inspiration hits.

Here’s a list of our January Prompt submissions, feel free to be transported to places and people around the world:

